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anti 2nd amendment
I agree. Leaving one's troubles behind, rather than facing up to them, is nothing but cowardly.
On the other hand, policing the entire world, as the U.S. is currently doing, is no danged better. It sends a very dangerous and harmful message.......that no matter what happens, Uncle Sam will be there to bail you out. PHOOEY! NONSENSE! How much Dumber could we possibly be?
North Dakota has fewer gun laws than any other State. I chalk this up to the fact that we have very few cities, and even a fewer number of colleges, liberals, and other liberal wackos. It also helps that most of our lawmakers are farmers, who live in very rural areas, where police protection doesn't exist.
We don't even have a Death Penalty here in North Dakota, because we don't trust our government with this immense power......which powers can easily be abused......and most often are.
Instead, the people of North Dakota have retained the right to carry out the death penalty entirely on their own.....at the time the offense is committed.
It's all but impossible to put the wrong man to death under our system.....because the bad guy is killed during the commission of the crime. He is not allowed to escape, making no room for foul-ups by police investigators after the fact.
This makes finding the guilty party very easy. It's as simple as looking at the ground.
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anti 2nd amendment
Again, I agree.
As for our current involvement in distant lands: The military is the hammer weilded by politicians, who are SUPPOSED to be acting in the Nation's best interest. But what I see, is a case of Manifest Destiny gone awry. Because our President feels that every country around the world would be better served by a democratic government, we are trying to force-fit countries that are either not ready and/or willing to do so. I think that this is where we're, or at least our leaders, are missing the point.
Democracies worth their salt have always sprung up from within, and never has a successful democracy been forced from without.
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anti 2nd amendment
Whats the problem if a few innocent people get killed I can live with it. I see laws in this post from the 1700's, lets bring back witch burning it worked for Salem. Wing Wiper come back and save us? Noone will take our guns unless we let them. They will never get mine, laws mean nothing to the people running this country why should they apply to me. First or second amendements we are way past that just look at the News there is no right or wrong. The police are just trying to keep up.
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anti 2nd amendment
I'm glad you brought up "Manifest Destiny". What a crock of garbage that wonderful piece of work was.
Manifest Destiny, written by John L. O'Sullivan, in 1839, replaced the Monroe Doctrine....which was written by John Adams.
John L. O'Sullivan was a globalist. He has many followers, who may as well bend down and kiss his feet. I'm sick of these people.
I like the Monroe Doctrine. Here's an excerpt from it.
"The citizens of the United States cherish sentiments the most friendly in favor of the liberty and happiness of their fellow-men on that side of the Atlantic. In the wars of the European powers in matters relating to themselves we have never taken any part, nor does it comport with our policy to do so. It is only when our rights are invaded or seriously menaced that we resent injuries or make preparation for our defense."
Had we followed the Monroe Doctrine, we wouldn't have involved ourselves in WWI, WWII, the Korean conflict, or even Vietnam......and certainly not Iraq.
Bush is a globalist and is no different from Wilson, FDR, Truman, or Johnson. Those who tell me that Bush is a Republican have no idea what they're talking about. Bush is the first Democrat to be selected from a Republican ballot.
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anti 2nd amendment
Kthompson Ebay just recently restricted anything firearm related from being advertised on Ebay. Paypay is a huge part of Ebay.
Usta B you could buy brass, bulletts, and many other things firearm related. NO MORE the liberals do not think it's right.
It's buried in their policies if you wanna log in and look.
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anti 2nd amendment
Enough history for the insane where does it say that the "phrase" Manifest Destiny replaced the Monroe Doctrine. The best I can tell John L. O'Sullivan was a numbnut Democrat columist that came up with this phrase pertaining to Texas and Oregon territorys.
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anti 2nd amendment
Here's a link to John L. O'Sullivan's MANIFEST DESTINY.
I'll post a short excerpt from it for those who don't want to take the time to read the entire thing.
John L. O'Sullivan on Manifest Destiny, 1839
All this will be our future history, to establish on earth the moral dignity and salvation of man -- the immutable truth and beneficence of God. For this blessed mission to the nations of the world, which are shut out from the life-giving light of truth, has America been chosen; and her high example shall smite unto death the tyranny of kings, hierarchs, and oligarchs, and carry the glad tidings of peace and good will where myriads now endure an existence scarcely more enviable than that of beasts of the field. Who, then, can doubt that our country is destined to be the great nation of futurity?
See the link below.
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anti 2nd amendment
to add to my argument that the Middle East region is either not ready or just plain unwilling to accept true democracy, I submit that democracy has its roots in Christian theology. Whether the leftists, agnostics and atheists think so or not, the great majority of the Founding Fathers believed in God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ. So therefore, the creation of "One Nation under God" was not just some spin that they created to con people into the sacrifices that would come with war with Britain. It was the basis of the belief that God had brought them to the time and place in which they could cast off the distant rule and oppression of a then-foreign government.
Paul's journeys in the Bible are another clue that we should leave the Middle East alone and concentrate on our homeland. The Holy Spirit, the Bible reads, prevented Paul from travelling East on his Evangelistic missions.
Isolationism is an idea that may never be implemented again, short of the aftermath of a nuclear cataclysm.
Globalism is so rampant that I feel lucky if I pick up an item in Walmart and it reads "Made in the USA". Sam would roll over in his grave. If the United States wasn't on the short end of the stick (of trade), I might feel different. But we are losing more and more of our interests (to include our own soil)to foreign entities, whether they be government, corporate, or individual. In most countries that we deal with, it is illegal for a foreigner to buy land. But not here...take a look around.
I guess that's enough to get my blood moving this morning.
Y'all have a great day as an American.
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anti 2nd amendment
I feel as though I've known you for a very long time. We have much in common, Sir.
Our Founders read a great many books on government, from Plato to Montesquieu. They had also read the Bible, and possibly several times during their lives.
With the invention of the computer and software programs, it is now possible for us to search through the writings of our Founders to determine which words or phrases appear most often in their letters, books, essays, and other papers.
The results may be surprising to some.
The "Top 40" Authors cited by the Founding Generation
1.St. Paul
3.Sir William Blackstone
4.John Locke
5.David Hume
7.Cesare Beccaria
8.Trenchard and Gordon
9.De me
10.Samuel Pufendorf
11.Sir Edward Coke
13.Thomas Hobbes
14.William Robertson
15.Hugo Grotius
16.Jean-Jacques Rousseau
17.Lord Bolingbroke
18.Francis Bacon
20.Richard Price
21.William Shakespeare
23.Alexander Pope
24.John Milton
28.Abbe Guillaume Raynal
29.Abbe Gabriel Mably
30.Niccolo Machiavelli
31.Emmerich de Vattel
32.William Petyt
34.John Robinson
35.Algernon Sidney
36.John Somers
37.James Harrington
38.Paul de Rapin-Thoyras
The above information is available at the Online Library of Liberty.
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anti 2nd amendment
Joel, I know what you mean. Hey, if we had a few hundred million dollars, the Presidency is opening up soon...
By the way...even though the site injected the " " into DeLolme's name, the Swiss didn't find him that funny, obviously.
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