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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
Anymore info on this problem. I have a 09 620I with less than 40 hours on it with gas in the oil. It had it the first 10hrs also but did not check the level, just drained VERY thin oil. Mine got so full in the crank case it started smoking and missing till it burned some off. Is JD still passing this off on the customer or are they standing behind there product?
Just got mine back from the dealer for this problem and they gave me the same story everybody else is getting about not getting it up to operating temp. I am a mechanic and this is complete BS. I seen another posting where a dealer told someone they had to much idle time. My dealer told me I should leave it run as apposed to shutting off and re-starting. As a matter of fact I brought in with 37 hrs on it and they put 10 hrs on it letting it idle at the dealer to do their test which are BS. I have a shed full of green but it's going orange if they do not stand behind this. I'm surprised there is not a class action on this, as you all have said this is supposed to be the best equipment out there, lord knows we all paid to have the best. But now it looking like I have a $12k POS in the shed with no fix for it except get rid of it.
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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
I think AllisMan has the problem diagnosed, but getting an O2 sensor on an XUV is out of the question. There must be another variable in there also because some are way worse than others. I have experimented with my XUV and put a piece of cardboard totally over the front of the radiator. I don't use mine to do any heavy work, just riding around, but I have yet to have the cooling fan come on. I believe the cooling system is overkill and won't let the coolant get hot enough to let the heater work properly let alone turn the fan on. I think total blockage could be tempered with partial blockage according to work load, but I think there needs to be some restriction to get some heat in the motor, which Deere is telling you to do in the first place. I know if mine ever got hot enough to turn the fan on I would have to cut a small hole in the cover ( cardboard ) to let the fan do it's job. Maybe another idea would be to turn the heater fan on high and see if that would cool it down. Oh yes, I have tried my fan in a closed situation and it does work. I have changed my oil also. I detected a gasoline odor and the oil was brownish, but the viscosity did not seem to be compromised.
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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
You've put a lot of time in to this. I'm a mechanic myself, and personally believeknow the line of BS JD is giving us about all cold gas engines put fuel in the oil is total crap. My biggest concern is not that there is a problem with the gator it is how JD is not stepping up to fix it or at least help out there customers that have basically spent around $12K for something that is not going to last. Personally I'm so angry with JD right now I'm trading in everything I have green on orange. I'm going to take a pounding on the gator since I only bought it 9 months ago, but it's take it now or take later. I've talked to customer service to just try and get a good amount of money back on the 620I to trade up to the 820 diesel but they say they can not do anything. I was going to trade in my 4520 open cab for a 4720 closed cab but now I'm going to trade it in on a Kubota. I'm at a loss on how this whole thing is being treated, you would think there will be a class action law suite for this. I know I'm just one little peon customer and there is really nothing I can do to JD, but that being said my shed has always been full of green, everything from the gator to ride mowers, zero turns and tractors. Up until now everything has been great and I've been proud to be a JD ownercustomer. But from the way this going down I will not buy even a JD hat after this and it's really sad, you try to buy American "and I know this is a Kawasaki engine" but the way this being handled is terrible.
Good luck with yours, hopefully you or someone can figure out and inexpensive fix. Me personally, I'm washing my hands of the whole company at my expense.
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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
So far mine hasn't been a problem, but as I said before I'm kind of a wacko on frequent oil changes on small engines. All our small equipment is water cooled. As an exapmle our 345 riders that get "rode hard and put away wet" so to speak get an oil and filter change at 50 hrs. instead of the OM recommendation of 100 hrs. 4310 tractor 50 hrs. instead of 100, the 620I 25 hrs. It does get used hard enough to have the fan kick on, but also maybe 50% of the hrs. are mailbox time. so far I haven't noticed a fuel smell from the drain oil.
I'm not totally up on the workings of the 620I cooling system but my assumptions are that coolant flow from the engine is controlled by a thermostat at the engine coolant outlet. Ok now another assumption. The 620I has a pretty small coolant capacity in the engine block and heads, the long hoses to the front of the Gator plus the capacity of the radiator probasbly hold 75-80% of all the coolant involved. I don't know what the temperature of the coolant should be when it re enters the engine from the radiator and hoses. My guess is that by the time the coolant gets back to the engine it is too cold to keep the block warm enough to have a proper operating temperature.
When we farmed we had a lot of late model high hp. Deere equipment, when you have a lot of equipment there will be problems regardless of the color. I can think of a couple times when a problem came up that wasn't casused by improper use, I pled my case to the dealer and big daddy Deere in rational terms. Once Deere did fix it and extended the warranty to five years, the problem didn't reoccur. Another time Deere as it appears they're doing with the Gators kinda gave me the brush off so the dealer kicked in and took care of it at his, (not small) expense, that's why to this day thye're the only dealership I do business with. There are lots of other good dealerships around regardless of color who likely would have did the same, but that builds customer loyalty.
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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
I wish your dealer was near me. I had a pretty good relationship with the local dealer, all though it was just me buying equipment not having any problems. I guess when you have problems is when you find out just how good of a relationship you have. The dealer I purchase my gator, 4520 and zero turn from has since sold out to new owners and is not going well. That being said I have found a good dealer a few miles further away and they have done more for me with this gator than the dealer I purchased it from.
As far as my gator goes I had excessive gas in the oil the 1st 10hrs but did not realize it at the time when I changed the oil. I myself own and run a repair shop and understand everybody makes mistakes and has problems. To me what makes good customer relations it how you handle the problem and take care of the customer when it happens "and don't have to many problems". I have read the bulletin that JD put out on this problem and for the most part it is total BS. Basically according to there bulletin every time you start up a gas engine "they may of said liquid cooled" you have to keep running it until it heats up to operating temp so that all the gas that got down in the crank case while it was cold will evaporate and vent out. They also said gas has a shelf life of 30 days and old gas will increase the problem, I personally work in the petroleum industry and I no gas over time will get stale but 30 days.
I guess a long story short is they have a problem with there product, there not owning up to it and there problem is going to cost me money. The new JD dealer I'm talking to offered me 8K for my 620I to trade up to a 820 diesel. So that would mean it cost me $100 an hour to run my gator over the last 10 months. There is not much I can do but take my little bit of business away from JD and just hope if I go Kubota there product is quality and where it's not they stand behind it. To me that is how all businesses should run.
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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
I'm by no means defending Deere, I own no stock etc. and knowing that others have had the Gator oil issue that the have more or less said too bad buy a new engine doesn't build my loyalty with me to to Deere only to the dealer I work with. Unless they do make good to the owners of the bad 620I's I'll have a hard time recommending one to anybody who asks.
This dealership does have one of the largest small equipment sales in the aeria and has sold lots of Gators, the service manager tells me they had only one so far with the oil problem.
Sometimes I think a lazy dealeship who don't want to make waves, or doesn't have the guts to buck the manufacturer will just pass a customer off with lame excuses rather than ruffle any feathers that may infuence their "Dealer Of the Year" award. I've always felt my dealer did what he could for me but I've also have never been afraid to find the custopmer relations phone and sorta go direct to the ones who can if they choose correct your problem, so even tho you have found a more helpfull dealer don't hesitate to go direct to the ones who may have the ultimate power to help you.
Just as an unrelated example the picture windows in our house are Andersen brand. Roughly about 7-8 years after the house was built the seal between the inner and outer glass failed letting moisture between. I contactd the lumber yard where we got all the materials for the house. The manager whom I've known and did 98% of all my lumber business with for the past 30 years. His response was that if he or anyone from the yard calls Andersen they just more or less say too bad sell em some new ones. His experience had been that if the cunsumer, (me) called Andersen direct that they usually come across with some help. It took only one phone call describing our problem, the age of the windows, etc., no hjassle whatever. The person whom I spoke with said if you will pay the instalation costs, about 150.00 I think the new windows will cost you nothing. Done deal.
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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
Ejack, I feel your pain. It makes no sense to pay more for a brand name and then don't get brand name satsfaction. I must warn you though, I have seen several threads on different forums that have discussed problems with Kubota to the point where people don't want them anymore: RTV 500s(weak power in high gear, slows to a crawl up a slight grade) and RTV 900s(rough gear shifting, have to turn off engine to shift)L3400s(jerky 3 pt lifting) just to name three and Kubotas response has been very similar to Deeres: nothing they can do about it or worse: user error! So, before you throw in the towel I would suggest you keep at it with Deere about some resolution, especially if you've been happy with your other Deere equipment. Good Luck. PS. The gas engines on the new XUVs are made in China (maybe the old ones were too)...not that there's anything wrong with that.![Smile Smile](../../ctb/images/smileA.gif)
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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
I appreciate all the comments and advise. I have talked to JD customer service, they escalated it to a supervisor who contacted the dealer that I purchased it from and also had taken it to for the problem. I told them I did not want to debate the problems and or the cause of the problem "getting back to JD's bulletin of BS on the problem". All I want was a fair trade in value for my 10 month old gator and I would pay for an upgrade to the the diesel model. That sounds more than fair to me, they told me there was nothing they could do. As of right now the new dealer I'm talking with has a call in to his regional JD guy to see if he can get him to help with trade in value. The one catch to that is I"m looking to trade in my 3 year old open cab 4520 with backhoe and loader for new 4720 cab tractor with backhoe and loader, about a 28K upgrade. I told the salesman if they won't do anything with the gator I'm not buying another JD tractor. So unfortunately at the end of the day if they do help me out on the gator it won't be about doing whats right it will be about getting more money. I really don't want to change to Kubota but it will more or less be out of spite, right or wrong. Getting a Kubota tractor doesn't bother me much, but as the 1 posting said, I have a friend with a diesel Kubota RTV, I did not like it. So as of right now I'm so mad at JD I could spit "or worse", but I got to make sure I don't go from one bad deal to another.
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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
I have 2 620i's one is a 07 the other is a 09. The kids and myself run the 07 hard , it has over 500 hrs on it and have'nt had any problems yet "knock on wood" except a brake line rubbed a hole in a boot,came from factory with wrong brake line on back. The 09 on the other is apparently junk. My parents are in thier late 70's and i let them use it around the farm , they do let it idle alot. After 22hrs i had the first fuel pump put on, 61hrs had another,101hrs had another. Its doing it again now and dealer said he had no answers. I finally told them they were a bunch of idiots. This has cost several $ and John Deere will not stand behind thier equipment. 'so why should we'.
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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
I have figured mine out finally.I have a factory cab and heater and during the winters the water capacity is more and it has too much cooling capacity, I have put a temp gauge in the water hose and now I monitor the temp and every time I run this I make sure the temp gets at least to 130.I have also put cardboard in front of radiator.This gets me through the winter and summer is no problem.The heater is a bad design.R pfeffer
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