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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
I have both the older 6x4 normal carb gators as well as the 825i injected gators. Had tons of problems with the carb gators washing gas down the cylinders. Were using those for very short runs. Absolutely NO HELP from JD. they pretended the problem didn't exsist and this was the first time they had ever heard of it. When i bought the EFI 825s we started using those for the short runs and now use the carb gators for work that allows then to warm up. Problem solved. Regarding your 620 / 625i, I have heard of all sorts of weird problems with them. Because it is EFI it should not be doing this. It has to be An EFI problem of some sort. It is seems Deere has all these units running way way too rich and they are all gas hogs. 825 included. That said, I absolutely love my 825s but have had problems with the one I bought used, it came with some injection problems.
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on Deere to help. If your use is short run type stuff, particularly in cold weather, I would sell the 620 and get something else. 825i is a good choice IMHO others may be better, I cannot speak to that.
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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
PS before switched to the 825 gators we bought hotter plugs and swapped them very frequently.
In fact you can tune your ear to know when you are not getting a complete burn on the plugs and need to swap. I also bought a harbor freight plug cleaner and just rotated them out. I kept extra plugs and a plug wrench with the gator at all times. This got us through it.
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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
Have a 2010 Gator 620i with fuel injection. At 150 hrs it started stuttering and running rough and had gas in the oil. Per instructions from dealer I took throttle body apart and sprayed with JD Carbon and Choke Cleaner and started putting Sea Foam in the gas. Also installed new plugs - BPR2ES. Gator then ran fine but was still getting some gas in oil. At approx. 300 hrs the dealer replaced Fuel Pump and Fuel Filter as it was making a squealing sound. After that was running good but had to change oil every 30 hours because oil up above full mark 1 inch due to gas in oil. At 355 hrs it started running rough again. I've tried to clean the throttle body assy as before, put in new plugs but still not running good. Not same roughness as before. Now it coughs and sputters when start it, but hasn't died yet. When push on gas peddle it also coughs and sputters. When moving at a steady speed and holding the gas peddle steady the Gator engine speeds up and then gradually slows down to almost an idle then speeds up again, even though haven't moved gas peddle. It keeps doing this at about 5-8 second intervals. Sounds like not getting gas. I thought maybe the fuel filter was partially blocked and was going to change it out. However I took off the gas hose going to the throttle body assy and it's pumping out a good stream of gas when you turn the key on. Apparently some sensor is not working right. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not happy with this John Deere Gator and obviously I'm not the only one having problems. Thanks for any suggestions.
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Gator 620i gas in engine oil
I traded mine in at around 150 hrs and it was doing like yours when I got ride of it. We had a family friend as a JD salesman and he said it was the TPS. Don't know for fact but it made since. A little history on mine was it dump gas in the oil from day 1 even when it ran fine. They gave me letter from JD saying I did not run it long enough to heat up and evaporate the gas that got past the rings and into the crankcase "that all gas engines do". I got an 855D and it seams pretty good, I would not of got another JD but could bring myself to sell or trade in to anyone other than JD since they built and wouldn't stand behind the POS.
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