TP members coming and going
Yeah, I missed it too. Mark and Randy were some of the first guys I got to know here. Not sure but I think that was back when Murf was MIA due to a heart attack. Anyway, it's a shame that it came down to this. Hopefully they'll be back. Both are stand up guys.
Dennis I know you don't believe in moderating but maybe you should? Like get a couple of members to give you a heads up when something like this is going on.
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TP members coming and going
Actually Randy and Mark were two of the TP members that in the past let me know if they thought something was getting out of hand.
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TP members coming and going
All three of them need to forget it and carry on this is not the first event on TP. Some to this is what made me join. TP is good and fun no harm no fowl.
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TP members coming and going
I really liked Mark, didn't care much for Chief he was a little over barring and full of himself, but then again I don't think either liked me because I don't believe in GOD.
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TP members coming and going
Dennis, I was going to send you a heads-up but figured someone else would. Maybe this is a case where everyone thought someone else would take care of it.
I can see where Mark & Randy are coming from though. TP is a place to come for enjoyment and it's no fun to get involved in an abusive dispute. When it stops being fun the reason for being involved disappears.
I've missed having them around the last few weeks.
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TP members coming and going
I was hoping we would just move on and not do any character asasinations in the process
Hey with your comment if I know Randy, I think he would be itching to give you some feedback on it! And I think you would be smarting from the rhetoric. And unfortunately that he said you said flame competition just isn't much fun in the end.
I also think its still too early to say that they won't be back, so let's all be nice to each other for a while.
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TP members coming and going
Exactly why I posted Dennis, I know they can't resist.
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TP members coming and going
You are a sharp one dsg
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TP members coming and going
I think they might just be taking a break. But I agree that there must be some systematic way to prevent excessive negative overload. Maybe some sort of block or warn function that can be invoked by any member which gets summed up over time and monitored by Dennis. I know its hard to find an acceptable way to implement this stuff. I am just thinking out loud. Maybe also a limit to the number of words in a post.
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TP members coming and going
crunch I hear you, policing this stuff is such a nuisance, and the censored member also gets offended. May be a neccesity though!
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