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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
"You look around the world at potential trouble spots, Iran is right at the top of the list," Vice President Dick Cheney said last week on the day George W. Bush was sworn in for a second four-year term as president.
Khatami, speaking to reporters after a meeting with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai, responded in kind.
"We say that America is at the top of the list of countries which are endangering world peace and security and we hope that one day they come to their senses," he said, adding he thought a change in U.S. policy was very unlikely.
Iranian officials have been quick to stress that Tehran would respond vigorously to any military attack by the United States or Israel, which Cheney said may decide to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities.
"The cost of attacking Iran is not something that the world can ever bear and a war against Iran will not remain within our borders," Mohammad Baqer Zolqadr, deputy head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, was quoted as saying by the ISNA students news agency.
"If America wants to invade Islamic Iran it must know that there is no limit to our defense and we have the capability to smash their heads, as with a mallet, wherever we wish," he said.
(((Smash their heads as with a mallet)))
OK ya know? In Texas those would be fightin words!!!!
Almost as calling "McFly" "Yellow or CHICKEN" in the movie back to the future.
Hell I might have to try and get in the national gaurd just to join in, by the sound of it, I think they just threatened us? Ever get the feeling they (the islamic state/leadership of Iran) want us to attack them? Maybe they figure one more attack on a mid eastern country and the whole islamic world will rise against us. This is a dangerous situation IMO. Something I hope the usless united nations would want to do something about!
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
I still say we should pull out the troops and get Paul Tibbets to fire up the Enola Gay, (the pilot that dropped the big bomb on Japan) to do it all over again right smack in between Iraq and Iran. Too bad he's probably long gone by now.
Enough is enough with these scumbags. They just said on the news today Isreal is all pissed off now and they want to kick Iran's ass now too. Hopefully they will just go bob the hell out of them and we can stay out of one for a change and watch like everyone else.
31 marines today, 27 all from HI. What a freaking shame. If I knew how lousey the world was becoming I'd never have kids. It's going to ghet a hell of a lot worse before it gets better. Hopefully our kids kids will be driving around in an Iraq or Iran built tractor like we are all driving on Japanese rigs! Go figure. If everone would mind their own business in the world and not give a crap what religion someone is the world would be a better place.
So God this Allah dude is telling these jackoffs to blow themselves up next to a bus. These people are nuts!
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
I know! How about a nuclear fuel for food program??
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
I would not worry too much, after Sunday's election, all
of those surrounding countries are going to drop like dominoes. Just ask Dubya!
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
You really think so? For the good? Is that what you mean't by drop like dominoes?
From what I read Irans population would more than likely like a chance to rule themselves again? Any 411 on this?
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
Of course they would embrace us just like the Iraqi's did...some creative minds came up with that turd, and still think it would happen again in Iran...incompetence
at its best, we are blessed with simpletons running the program...
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
No, I was just being a wise ass, I don't think that there is a snowball's chance in hell that a democracy will take hold in Irag.
The surrounding countries won't let it happen. The Royal's and dictators are not about to give up the power,and the oil. There seems to be an endless supply of insurgents.
But, we are determined to free the world!
End of Rant!
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
I've spent some time in that area and what a screwed up place it is. Hard to believe that this is where civilization began. Mesopotamia, fertile crescent.
Everytime I buy fuel I wish we were more self reliant fuel wise.
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
Well, one thing is for sure. No war was ever won through pessimism. Lincoln heard all this crap, churchill heard all this crap, reagan heard all this crap, and now bush has to listen to it. In every case, history proved the pessimists wrong.
The pessimists won one in VN though when they cut the political will of the amercian people out from under the soldiers doing the fighting. Trying to do it again in Iraq, but the American people are wiser, at least those of us old enough to remember Viet Nam.
Way to go guys. I'm sure the american soldier appreciates hearing how they're fighting a war they can't win, and that the whole program is being run by idiots. Awesome attitude! Yes siree!
Sometimes I wonder if there arent those in our country who 'want' us to lose, just so they can satisfy their pride and say "I told you so".
Hey, we had an election. The american people spoke in spite of the mass propoganda effort. Get over it!
It is vital that we win this war. Absolutely Vital! Our very way of life depends on it. Quit bagging on the war effort and get behind it. Once it's all over, if you want to call our president a moron, have fun. But while our boys are over there, I would think your energy would be better spent on your knees praying for victory.
Sorry about the rant, but I get sick of this crap. I had to put up with the fall out of this BS when I was in the service, and I sure as hell don't want to see another generation of American Service men and women have to put up with it again.
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
Everytime I buy fuel I wish we were more self reliant fuel wise.
I hear that!. I wish we'd start putting massive resources into alternative fuel sources.
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