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 02-06-2005, 07:29 Post: 105581

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

Merry Christmas!!

Well, on that we can agree anyways....... Smile

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 02-06-2005, 21:41 Post: 105616

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead


If you dont mind actually being correct in what I actually said in my post, and try leaving out the extras that you added to make it sound like it fits in any of what you said or DeTwang want to rant about...I think I'm not asking too much, otherwise my next post will be a nasty reply, and will require moderation....you can do all the verbal diareha you wish, just not one my dime -just so we are clear...this also goes to Detwang who basically hijacked the thread so he can hear himself talk...again just not on my expense....leave me out of it, in summary since that was my first request to Detwang...



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 02-06-2005, 23:42 Post: 105622

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

this also goes to Detwang who basically hijacked the thread so he can hear himself talk...again just not on my expense....leave me out of it, in summary since that was my first request to Detwang..

You lack perspective in how you have engaged others in this discussion. So don't play the victim BS.

If you start throwing rocks you have to take a share in the responsibilty for whatever happens as a result.

How have I hijacked the thread? By disagreeing with your viewpoint? By answering your assertions?

So now that you have judged me as to why I am participating in this thread, Oh omniscient one, tell me, why are you particioating in it?

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 02-07-2005, 09:02 Post: 105629

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

Detwat face the talking pie hole, you kept bringing up my name after I left as some type of example for you B.S rant...You added more topic than what this was about to make your B.S sound good. Thats fine as long as my name is not brought up again. My dialog with you is over and has been for some time. I dont like that another party brought up my name again as some excuse to ramble along with you. Neither of you actually kept with the topic of this thread, which is fine as long as I'm not brought up again. Since I clearly stated I do not want dialogue, I will see as a direct conflict and will act accordingly.
Believe me I dont walk around playing victim, and I suspect the amount of time you devote to responses and subject matter makes me believe you have zero social skills outside a tractor forum. This is probably your only outlet in life. Thats pathetic, but I dont care about your thought's, issues or any aspect of what you are. I didnt start direct dialogue with you, I wouldnt waste my time. You took it upon yourself to be righteous, and we have to hear your story once again. Again I dont care, just keep my name out of the subject. No victim here, sorry....


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 02-07-2005, 11:06 Post: 105639

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

"...Detwat face the talking pie hole..."

Have you guys reached the third grade yet? Some maturity here please.

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 02-07-2005, 14:53 Post: 105654

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

QUOTE- Soldiers dont make the policy, the politicians do...they just march to the orders, good or bad...Good planning and policy never would have got us in there. How long do you think the effort can be sustained at this rate? record deficits, and war fund request (280 billion)

Sorry about the rant but I'm tired of listening to those who feel this admin has done a good job...Bush now feels he can proceed as planned and stay the course because he won the election? Thats not the sign of someone who learns fast on their feet, or lifes valuable lessons...

This is what I responded too! Been there and done that 35 years ago under a real scumbag whitehouse that controled the program from washington. The "war" was fought counting body bags. Something our liberal press still enjoys trying to do.

Bush was handed a plate of crap by the garbage that departed the whitehouse and is doing a fine job of cleaning up a mess.

I'll restate I do not care how far we have to go to kill the scumbags that Clintion did not have nuggets enough to get. If we have to kill em all and let Alla sort em that will be fine with me.

The money can be paid back at least we will not have to watch our backs 24/7 the rest of our days...

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 02-07-2005, 16:17 Post: 105662

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead


Is it remotely possible for you to responf with logic or reason as opposed to these Ad hominem attacks?

Really. I don't hate you, I'm not out to besmirtch your name. I'm only responding to what has been posted. If you met me in real life, you'd find me to be very personable and likeable. We obviously wouldn't get very far talking about religion or politics. We have very opposite viewpoints and I'm fine with that.

But if you want to respond to this stuff, use arguments other than "religious people are fools", or "bush is an idiot", or those kinds of remarks.

Make an argument and back it up with reason and logic. The more you sit there and say things like "you have no social life", or "you need counsleing", or "you scare me", the less credibility you have.

Calling me names like "Detwat" will not help anyone see your side of any argument on any issue.

If you truly want to be left out of this discussion, quit responding to it. Any references being made to you are addressing posts or statements you have already made. No one is sitting here thinking, "Gee, how can I smear ducati today".

I have found that people tend to be most critical of others in the very areas that are their own weaknesses. They tend to notice their own shortcomings in others. YOu might want to keep that in mind when you make persaonal attacks or statements about me, whom you have never met, or know nothing about.

If you have a problem with specific things I have said to you, show them to me, and if you make a case that shows me I am wrong, I am secure enough to admit it, providing your argument is convincing.

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 02-07-2005, 16:43 Post: 105664

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

massive monies into alternative fuels...Name one that wont burn fossil fuels to make.....

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 02-07-2005, 18:44 Post: 105680

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

massive monies into alternative fuels...Name one that wont burn fossil fuels to make.....

This is a problem... for now. For instance hydrogen requires more fossil fuel to produce hydrogen than it replaces.

But if we don't start down that road, we will never improve the process to a degree where that situation changes.

However there are some alternative fuels that can be used right now. For instance "Greasoline". It is basically used greases/vegetable oils collected from restaraunts. It takes very little cost and energy to convert this stuff into a readily useable fuel that can be burned in current diesel cars and trucks. It requires an inexpensive conversion kit, and burns clean. But of course we can't expect this stuff to replace gasoline in the amounts currently consumed. But it's a good example of what's possible.

Also solar energy is free. It takes petrolem and money to produce the panels, but onnce made, they pump out free energy without using any petroleum or other fuel source.

There are also solar steam power generation plants in existence. Basically, sunlight is reflected from a massive grid of refelctors at a boiler that creates steam to generate electricy.

Of course there is nuclear power, but it would be nice to look for safer alternatives like the solar stuff.

Wind generation is also a good power generation source, but many think the towers are unsightly and they create a fair amount of noise. Environmentalists also complain about birds being killed by the things.

The point is that there are proven technologies out there, but unless we are willing to invest in the infrastructure to get these industries going, they will never happen.

I worked for Garrett AirResearch in the early eighties. One day they brought by a semi tractor that had been fitted with a deisel burning turbine. This truck was amazing. It had no transmission because it had a smooth power curve. It got 30-50 miles per gallon with a fully loaded trailer because of that same power curve (it was able to do 55 miles per hour uphill, and 55 miles per hour downhill, thus saving loads of time over it's conventionally powered counterparts), and would run on just about any liquid that would burn. And it was quiet.

Incredible machine. The first units were expected to be fitted in military vehicles within 5 years. 2 years later, a major oil company picked up the patent and the truck was never heard from again. It was too big a threat to their bottomline I guess.

It's for this reason, why I would like to see the feds offer massive tax incentives or other incentives to petroleum companies to develop alternative fuels and to build the infrastructure for them. I believe that the oil companies are the biggest impeders to alternative fuels, because they stand to lose the most from their development. So I think the answer is to make their development very attractive to these same companies.

I know oils compainies like BP are already involved in solar power, so the interest is definitely there, we just need to find a way to get private industry to want to dump massive resources into developing talternative power.

I don't know all the facts and figures on this stuff, so my thinking here is mostly based on common sense. I'm sure I've over simplified it all, and there are many problems I haven't considered, but I would definitely like to see the fed start finding ways to push the alternative fuels industry into overdrive.

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 02-07-2005, 18:48 Post: 105682

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

Here's a link to info on Grassolean biodiesel, if anyone is interested or hasn't heard of it before.

Link:   Grassolean 

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