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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
Hey DeTwang,
You are going to have to live with the fact that others will question and critique how things are done. I suggest you start getting over that aspect.
I'm sure the american soldier questions why were are there, its their right. You shoot you mouth off and expect everyone to cow tail and agree with you and what you think...It was a piss poor plan, clear as day way before we went in. Its even more clear today...that's something you should realize, but who cares what you think...Dont confuse a critique of policy as a slant on the Soldier...
Soldiers dont make the policy, the politicians do...they just march to the orders, good or bad...Good planning and policy never would have got us in there. How long do you think the effort can be sustained at this rate? record deficits, and war fund request (280 billion)
Sorry about the rant but I'm tired of listening to those who feel this admin has done a good job...Bush now feels he can proceed as planned and stay the course because he won the election? Thats not the sign of someone who learns fast on their feet, or lifes valuable lessons...
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
You are going to have to live with the fact that others will question and critique how things are done. I suggest you start getting over that aspect.
I may have to live with it, but I don't have to get over a damn thing.
I'm sure the american soldier questions why were are there, its their right.
Have you actually talked to many of them, and asked them what they think? I have. Without exception, I have heard only that they think they are over there freeing an oppressed people, protecting the american people by taking the battle to them instead of sitting on our asses here waiting for them to attack us again.
What they question, is why the american media wont tell their side of the story. They are disappointed at the response of many here to their mission over there.
They are upset that the countless schools they are opening every day, or the roads they are building, the power plants coming on line, the hospitals being opened and stocked, the people coming out to wave american flags at them when they drive down the streets, and so on, never makes the news. Only the bad stuff.
You shoot you mouth off and expect everyone to cow tail and agree with you and what you think..
Is that right? Back at you. I wont type the rest of what I'm thinking right now. The problem with pointing your finger at someone Ducati, is that the other three are curled back at yourself.
.It was a piss poor plan, clear as day way before we went in. Its even more clear today...
To you. But not to me. But I guess I''m supposed to "cow tail" to your superior opinion. I always hear your kind carping about what a terrible plan it is that bush has engaged in, but never a better idea.
So lets hear it ienstein. How do you solve the terrorist problem? Come on. I'm sure with yoour superuior intellect you can just blow me out of the water with your better plan. Put up or shut up!
that's something you should realize, but who cares what you think.
Last novermeber, we had a referendum on this war. Dont kid yourself. That's exactly what it was. Obviously a lot of people cared what I think. A lot more than cared what you think.
..Dont confuse a critique of policy as a slant on the Soldier...
I made the mistake of not doing that at the end of the viet nam war. After being beat up twice, spit on, dodging rocks and being insulted with the name 'baby killer' right here in the streets of america (oh yeah my car windows were broken once too), I have seen first hand what cowardly rhetoric disguised as "critique of policy" does. We pretty much spent all our free time on base afraid of our own citizenry.
If you don't believe me, ask the generals in charge of the north viet cong. They have commented on countless occasions that if it weren't for the protests in the streets of America, that they would have been anhialted. But we supplied them lot's of moral boosting material.
When people protested the war here, american soldiers paid the price there. And that's a fact. That's why the great north vietnamese war hero John Kerry is immortalixed in their war museum.
Soldiers dont make the policy, the politicians do...they just march to the orders, good or bad...Good planning and policy never would have got us in there. How long do you think the effort can be sustained at this rate? record deficits, and war fund request (280 billion)
As long as it has to. What do you propose, a defensive stand here at home? Get ready for a police state. Sorry, I'd rather die fighting to be free.
And your plan to deal with Iraq was............?
Sorry about the rant but I'm tired of listening to those who feel this admin has done a good job...Bush now feels he can proceed as planned and stay the course because he won the election? Thats not the sign of someone who learns fast on their feet, or lifes valuable lessons...
no, it's the sign of a man of character who has a vision and sees it through to the end. It's the sign of a man who says what he's going to do, and then does what he says. It's the sign of a man who will gian the respect of his enemies, because they know that america has a leader who is not a paper tiger.
That's why I mentioned Lincoln, Churchill, and Reagan. They had to put up with the cowardly carping from the pessimists too. But they had a vision, and the character to see it through to the end. Theytsaid what needed to be done, and they held fast to it.
They were true leaders. Something you couldn't recognize if it was standing on your chest.
I'm tired of negotianting with these asswipes. I'm tired of trying to not 'offend' them while they are desparately trying to destroy everyone who does not agree to become pwrt of their religious vision to take over the world.
I'm tired of giving them the money to do destroy us. I'm tired of bowing down to the united nations who's only purpose it seems is to denegrate america and israel, and steal money from the american tax payer.
Iran and Syria are a huge problem. We have let this cancer grow and fester for decades and decades, and now the cancer is getting strong enough that it could very well devour us. that whole area has to be dealt with "NOW", or else 'WE' will pay the ULTIMATE price.
So as long as we're telling each other what the other needs to learn, you need to learn the difference between "critique of policy", and drive by smart ass pessimistic remarks that serve no useful purpose.
We're there already. Deal with it. We have to win. YOur crying about what a stupid thing the war is, will do absolutley 'nothing' to help it end sooner, or help the soldiers over ther fighting it. In fact I sincerely believe it does the exact opposite.
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
I am not taking sides here and I do respect others opinions.
It is their choice he in USA. I have to agree with Detwang, maybe not for the same reasons he believes but on common ground anyway. We can't fool ourselves the adminitration has been blamed for the recesion which was obviously going south 6-8 months before he took office. IMO, That is a fact! Couple that along with 911 and what that cost this country I am sure glad we had Him in office and not Mr. Lockbox man! Anyway I am not here to preach his goods and bads, that we can always disagree on.
I would rather direct my rants at the media. How many times (except today on fox!) have you saw a story on ANYTHING good that has happened their? Why not run a slot on the tv avery day about what GOOD we accomplished that day? There is more good going on than bad but have one soldier stand on one scum ass and have his picture took and its top news stories for a week! What about the soldier that dug out a ladys sewer pit that day or helped some kids get to school safely or brought aid and comfort to a family that needed it and the biggest one,,, How about the platoon that nailed a group of insurgents before they were able to blow up that church? OH But what the news would of reported would of been theat same group of insurgents that had a 14 year old terrorist "BOY" in the car. It would of said, " US kills 14 yr old boy!!!
My dad used to watch demecrat TV ALL the time. I know where he got his political views from cause he was so far from the truth more times than not. Just repeated the crap he would here on the news. I could go on and on about this but why? you get my point. I would rather move on to the people of Iraq! This is where I am confused?
I see folks that really want to rule themselves but I think they are still very affraid to take a stand. If that is NOT the case then I am real disapointed in those folks and would understand that is why Sadamm ruled the way he did. If this IS (IF) the way they think over there then the others are right, it is a lost cause to keep fighting for their freedom (BUT ONLY IN THAT SENSE!) Those people may not have the ability or the will to make life better for themselves, maybe they just DONT CARE and are inherently lazy and just dont care? IF that is the case we are in a heap of shit.
I do believe though that the JURY is still out. You cant tell me that many familys would openly support anything we are doing there. YOU CANT TELL ME THAT!!! The fear of being bombed for supporting the USA would be in my mind every day If I lived there. I think the jury is still out and many may be eating crow in a year or so!
I too may have a feathery sandwich in a year, who knows? Not any of you here! Including myself!. It is nice to beable to rant about it though.
What is our future. Mark my words it is in the future just how long we delay it will be the question. IS when will we get nailed with a dirty bomb. The Irans and Syria's out there scare the hell out of me. Just like Iraq did before. Remember the paid funds going to suicide bombers in Isreal came from Iraq (some of them) What do you do? Wait till they give some tech. or material to the terrorists?
I will always stand behind our men no matter what they do wrong or right. Me thinks there should be NO CAMERAS allowed over there! The soldiers shoul all have them confiscated (they are taking way too many politically incorrect pics) The media needs to be even keeled on this with the stories of the bad and good!
Peace guys
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
Your just too annoying to tolerate for any length of time...I dont even bother reading your responses
you can keep this thread - talk to yourself until your blue..
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
About what I expected.
In three days there is an election in Iraq for the first time in many decades. If successfull, it could be a monumental turning point in world history.
Why do I get the feeling Ducati, that no matter how good it goes, you'll find a reason to bag on it?
I for one choose to hope with all that I am that it is a smashing success as opposed to your vision of doom and gloom and hopelessness.
Our only chance at beating this terrorism problem is by spreading freedom to the peoples our enemies have been oppressing. Free peoples don't have oppressive leaders. Diametrically opposed concepts.
Only a fool can't see that it's the only way (short of just wiping the entire region off of the map, but that would just empower other foes with justification to oppose us more, and being a people of conscience our character does not permit that type of response).
Our enemies can certainly see it. It's what they fear most about us.
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
America is doing a great thing in Iraq!
Election officials are claiming a 72% turnout, and this amonst the threat of death from flying bullets, mortars, decapitation, IEDs, and so on.
The highest ever turnout in US history was 63%.
At the polling place near Abu Ghraib, roadblocks are 13 miles from the polling place. Thousands and thousands walked the 13 miles to vote. In america, the dems would be screaming disenfranchisement.
In Sadr City, 2.5 million people voted (nearly 95%).
In Fallujah, lines at polling places contained thousands.
reporters are claiming that Iraqis are extremely happy and proud. People are crying tears of joy, giving thumbs up and big smiles everywhere they go, dancing in the streets.
Pessimists claim that the people of Iraq don't really want freedom and democracy. I'd say it looks otherwise.
Estimtes are that there are 24,000 insurgants and 200,000 sympathizers in Iraq, a country of 70,000,000. It appears the rest of them, do want democracy.
I don't think that there is a snowball's chance in hell that a democracy will take hold in Irag.
Well, they appear to be making one heck of a big first step in that direction.
Once again, america is freeing an oppressed nation.
I am proud of what we are doing there. I would imagine that the soldiers doing the dirty work over there are pretty excited today too, as they are being vindicated in front of the whole worlds eyes.
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
I would not worry too much, after Sunday's election, all
of those surrounding countries are going to drop like dominoes. Just ask Dubya!
Just wanted to get this quoted (with it's sarcastic tone) on record where I can find it later.
Did anyone see Kerrys response this morning to the elections in Iraq. He was actually downplaying and poo pooing the election. Not even a hint of a smile to be found on his lips. Looked generally unhappy about the positive events unfolding in Iraq.
This is the guy that testified that it was impossible to spread democracy eleswhere in the world. Then later ridiculed reagan for the same thing once again regarding his speach to tear down the wall. Of course history proved him wrong, just as it is doing once again now.
So he ridiculed bush for trying it in Iraq. As we see Iraqis rejoicing with tambourines and dancing in the streets at the opportunity to embrace freedom and their new found voice regarding their future, rather than withold his judgement or admit that he could possibly be wrong, he frowns and poo poos the situation.
Incredible. To think that this man was a step away from the whitehouse is chilling.
Pride is a terrible thing. God raises up the humble Iraqis and opposes the proud pessimist.
Iraq is sitting on top of a huge natural resource. With their newfound democracy and courageous spirit, they could indeed become a very prosperous democracy in the very near future.
And that will be extremely appealing to those still living under brutal dictatorships in neighboring countries.
Will the birth of Iraqs freedom be easy. Probably not. But it is on track to be one of the fastest occuring in recent history. And they just sent a major message to the terrorists that "in the midst of their fear, they will not go back to oppression".
I was extremely moved by the speech I saw on TV last night by an Iraqi cleric (in Iraq) encourageing his congregation to do their duty and go vote. He actually referred to, and quoted from Martin Luther Kings "I have a Dream" speech exclaiming "Free at Last, Free at Last".
I am in awe of what God has once again chose to do through america.
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
I guess I have to say something! My Son has been to Desert Storm and to Iraq 4 times he is getting ready to go again in March this year. He is Gung Ho in the whole thing, and to him Geo. Bush is the Greatest. after 18 years he still feels they are right to be in Iraq, and he says most of the people want them there. If you want to kick Somebody's A__, then Go after the news Media. They ruined us in Korea and we would have probably not won WW II if we had allowed them in like they are now.
I never talk about the war but I'm not to Crazy about people that have never looked down a gun Barrel telling what we are doing ever time we make a move!! I'm sorry to open my mouth but when My kids life is on the Line I feel like I have a Right Too!!!
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
I guess I have to say something! My Son has been to Desert Storm and to Iraq 4 times he is getting ready to go again in March this year. He is Gung Ho in the whole thing, and to him Geo. Bush is the Greatest. after 18 years he still feels they are right to be in Iraq, and he says most of the people want them there
I have yet to hear any soldier say different. The pessimists keep telling us they are speaking for the soldiers, yet what they say is completely opposite to what I hear out of the actual mouths of soldiers. It's only the pessimists, who think like the media, who are saying Iraq is a no win cause..
I'm sorry to open my mouth but when My kids life is on the Line I feel like I have a Right Too!!!
Don't be sorry. You're absolutely right to. People need to know that the soldiers and their families are not too happy to hear politicians, the media, and whoever else demeaning what our soldiers are doing over there.
Our soldiers are the true optimists in this. Fortunately, they are in large part ignoring the naysayers throughout the world, and I hope they know that there are many here in the US that believe whole heartedly in what they are doing over there. I just wish more people would speak out about it.
Our young men and women in the mideast are the leading edge of everything america stands for. We are the only people in the world with the real convivtion required to risk our own comfort and lives to stand up for those who can not stand up for themselves. And we are stroger everytime we do it. The Brits and the aussies also deserve recognition for their understanding and contribution in this effort as well.
My hope is that we never, ever, again treat our homecoming soldiers with the neglect, disgust, and shame we did after korea and even moreso after Viet Nam.
I just see the same trends, attitudes, and arguments once again in this conflict, and I cannot stay quiet either. It makes my blood boil.
Tell your son he is deeply appreciated, and we are rejoicing with him in this great thing they have enabled to happen today in Iraq. Tell him that there are many here who truly understand that he is indeed fighting the front lines of the war on terror in his sacrifice and we appreciate it. What he is doing makes 'me' feel safer.
I pray he returns safely, and I hope that americas sons and daughters get the kind of welcome and parade that WWII soldiers got when returning home from europe.
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
My Son laughed when I Told him about the guy wanting to drop the Big Bomb. He also said he would like for the Leader of Iran to get the Big Bomb in fact he would personally be glad to Drop it right on his front door.
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