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 02-08-2005, 14:02 Post: 105744

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

From what I understand we have not reached the pinnacle of uses for fossil fuels...We need more of a public concern to stop buying the poor fuel mileage large SUVs.. I see more of those type vehicles w/ a lone driver and it is usually a woman w/no one else on board... We as a nation need to stop our selfishness and force the auto manufactures to build a more economical vehicle...Remember the sixties when all the rage was mileage before it was nipped in the bud by the oil companies...It really is up to the populus to get the manufactures to start down a different path....

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 02-17-2005, 18:34 Post: 106317

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

I am beginning to think I ran really wants to push us into a corner. Latest is they and syria will back each other? Then syria kinda weasles a bit and says thats not really what they talked about? What have you guys read? That was the impression I got from news articles anyway.

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 02-20-2005, 23:28 Post: 106525

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

I think it's about time we take a long hard look at doubling or tripling the size of our military forces.

We are in the middle of a world war, and the enemy is unlike anything we've ever seen before. We should be prepared to react to whatever the future might have in store for us.

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 02-25-2005, 23:11 Post: 106824

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

Laughing out loud
OOPs Think I may just open up anouther can of worms
If a draft was ever needed again. Being in the day and age of equality and all Will our daughters have to sign up? Why the hell not? They want equal rights and lord knows they can do everything we can? Hmmm Laughing out loud
Lets give it to them.

in all honesty, I would not want my daughters to have to do that but fair is fair.
Personelly I dont think that will ever happen (the draft) but who knows, maybe the next demecratic president we get will need to do that
Laughing out loud

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 02-27-2005, 10:45 Post: 106912

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

Having women in combat is a very bad idea. The last thing soldiers need is the myriad of distractions that come along with that.

We already have problems with GIs/Sailors fighting/competing over female soldiers, pregnancy, VD, etc...

Soldiers need to focus on the task at hand.

But if there ever were to be a draft including females, they need to be put in completely separate units from men.

Not to mention the fact that if and when they are taken as prisoners of war, I don't think the public will be able to stomach the idea of rape and torture of our wives and daughters to the degree they might with male soldiers.

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 02-27-2005, 11:38 Post: 106913

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

(for the record I agree, but lets play a little devels advocate here)
Wouldnt that constitute gender bias? When it comes down to making equal money for NOT being able to perform up to the same level as others it is ok? Look at the 5'4" 118# policelady I am friends with. She is not physically able to aprehend 90% of her subjects by herself, infact she is a liability to any officer she needs to help. Dont nobody here argue that with me, when taking down a suspect she just is not physically able to help. At the same time though my tax payer dollars is paying her no different than a male officer. I know one cop may be tougher than anouther but if you cant do even the most basic of functions why is it mandatory to consider her? Then we talk about the draft andall of a sudden the same mothers and fathers that cried gender bias are crying that their daughter should not ever have to sign up for a draft?
I understand your point and agree whole heartely with it about female fighters (in general) I know a few ladys that could kick my butt but that is the exception to the norm). Fair is fair, if our young males need to still sign up for a draft than there must be equality passed on. Mandatory for all genders should be the rule and we find jobs that they can do to help with the protection of our country that may not put them in a fighting situation.
OK I got that out of my system.
Iran does have stupid on its forehead????
I think Russia is on the back of their heads then, you see the latest news?

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 02-27-2005, 22:23 Post: 106946

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

think Russia is on the back of their heads then, you see the latest news?

Yeah, and it's not really a surprise considering they were training iraqi fighters in the use of anti aircraft weaponry and supplying them with night vision hardware right up to within 24 hours preceeding our invasion.

They're going to be a problem as is china. China flat out said that they fully expected to go to war with the US within 20 years. This was during Clintons second term. Yet that adminsitration gave them our ICBM technology anyways. China has since given it to iran.

Go figure. That's what happens when you don;t understand that there is such a thing a pure evil in this world. It can't be bought, it can't be negotiated with, it can only be destroyed before it destroys you.

Syria and Iran need to be blown off the face of the earth. I think israel is on the verge of doing Iran, as they will 'never' allow Iran to have nukes, especially now that they have a delivery system.

It appears Syria is now purposefully and openly trying to disrupt the Israel-palestinian peace process. If anyone gets tough with Syria, what do you want to wager that Saddams WMDs suddenly surface?

Syria and Iran live to destroy Israel. France and Russia want to destroy the US, and China wants to dominate the world.

We really need to send a message to the rest of the world by putting a buildup of our military strength on the fast track.

Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to get rough.

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 03-02-2005, 18:20 Post: 107162

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

I think Syria turned over sadamms half brother because they did not want him in their country either. Or maybe it is just like the old saying, becareful who you think your friends are? Syria turned his ass over to the iragi's as a peice offering??? Cmon! I got two suggestions after Iraq takes over its own country again.
1. Either we get anouther president like reagan who can handle russia OR
2. We let this SALLY institution called the united nations unite the frickin nations themselves. Make them come and ASK US for help. That right make them pleed like the frickin backyard mongruals they really are. If they dont come and beg and a country goes over board??? Well lets see, we pulled bacl our troops for a few years, protected out borders and save BOOKOO bucks in that time. Hmmm If a rogue country gets a bit too far out of line and threatens the world or us then we take em out hard. Let the world see what would happen if we just pulled out of saving the world for a few years. Let the Frances and Gemany's and CANADIANS see what this world would be like with out aide from us. (No offense Murf) Any country that is truely our freind and neighbor IE: OIL FOR PROTECTION well they will be like a brother to us.
OK I am done ranting.
I dont feel that way all the time just when I read a story or two that pisses me off!
Reagan for President (Did I hear they froze his body in waiting for the clones)

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