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 01-31-2005, 09:10 Post: 105288

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

Enough with those idiots. Level that whole region with bulldozers, build Walmarts and golf(gulf) resorts everywhere and enjoy our new found petroleum and let the rest of the world hate us but fear us. The whole world will eventually be operating under one governing body anyway, might as well be ours and sooner than later.

Laughing out loud.... nice dream, but we're not expansionists. Not anymore anyways.

I used to joke that the answer will be to cut a deal with russia and china where the three of us go in and level the whole place, then each of us could have a third of the region. We'll keep the third with israel. The rest of the world would be too powerless to do anything, and the three countries who use the most oil anyways would have it all.

But, that's why I would never make it to being president.

Hows that? short and sweet (for me anyways)...Smile

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 01-31-2005, 10:13 Post: 105295

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

No need to make a deal with anyone else now. We should do our thing and let the rest of the world kiss our a$$. Im sick of asking permission from the UN, France and England, Israel and all the other counrties that think theyre somebody.
My feelings used to be that we should leave the rest of the world alone and they would leave us alone. That all changed a few years ago. We were brought snack dab in the middle of all the worlds stupidness. Now you cant go to a football game without being searched and going through a metal detector, weve got armed military at our airports, on planes and at national monuments. Sounds like what Europe and Israel have been doing for decades doesnt it? The north american continent isnt the island that it used to be. Its changed now. We wont be going back where we were. Its time to take a higher place in the world.
Short and sweet, you are either on board or youre not.

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 01-31-2005, 13:16 Post: 105308

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

Quote:{ too wasn't for the War in Iraq, and I don't we will make one change in their way of life. Thats all they know I don't think we should try to make people see our way of life! Like I said as an American I sure as hell don't want any middle eastern trying to force their way on us I didn't agree at all with our use of force but since we are there I will support our Troops}

Well after looking at the turnout at the polls and seeing they beat our numbers of the best ever turn out, I dont think they feel the same way! Looks like they cherish the chances to vote and be free!
I wonder what the turn out would be like in the good ole USA if the possiblility of dieing was there from voting????? Thats right! These people may be setting the future for their own country. Lets all hope they step up to the plate now and continue with the process. The sooner the better and lets all hope they tell us to leave ASAP. What a wonderful day for the Iraqi's. I wish the best for them. Now lets bring our boy's home ASAP.
Bless our troops

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 02-05-2005, 03:31 Post: 105524

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

Holy Cow DeTwang I hope no body brings up Johnson, McNanmara and Fonda in this. OOPS! I just did. It's a beautiful thing to a liberal when somebody dumps on us. We deserve it, don't believe me ask one. Ducati states we have no business following the terroist support train and killing them. How about the scumbag at U of Col that states all the victims of 911 deserved it because they are/were the imperial money mongers for this country...

Freedom of speach is a good thing I gave 20+ years so people like Ducatic could be able to express an opnion oppsite to my way of thinking. BUT I DO DRAW THE LINE AT FONDA (the treasonist bitch) AND THAT PIECE OF CRAP IN COLARADO...THEY BOTH SHOULD BE EXECUTED. 2X would be ok with me.

We are still looking for the head of the snake that struck us. I hope we stay the course until we find it/them and kill it. Even if it means we have to go to Syria, Iran or tim-buc7 to find it or them. If it means us old farts need to put the uniform back on so our children can live in peace so be it.

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 02-05-2005, 11:29 Post: 105533

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead


Ted Turner married her, and he is the founder of CNN. What does that tell you about Turner and CNN?

I can't believe all these students and what not come out and demonstrate in support of that churchill character at U of C. Then again I can. After all, colleges are full of these subversives. That's the same college that gave us those two professors who were advocating that the abortion be made legal for children up to two years of age, an idea that Barbara Boxer supports by the way (she said up to six months though).

Funny how they claim it's freedom of speech to say that garbage, but it'as fascism to say he wrong, or to fire him. Freedom of speech is only for those who hate america I guess. Since when does the constitution guarantee that you wont suffer consequences for being a complete idiot?

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 02-05-2005, 13:40 Post: 105539

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

If you don't care for my comments then don't read them.
"I would not want to see anybodys right to protest squelched?
You contradict yourself. And you debate yourself, but I still read the responses. I find them amusing, a little scary,
but amusing.

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 02-05-2005, 14:01 Post: 105541

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

If you don't care for my comments then don't read them.
"I would not want to see anybodys right to protest squelched?
You contradict yourself.
Not at all. "Squelched" implies "silenced". Far different from being told to "shut up" or "think before opening the yap", or being told ramifications of openeing the yap, or being opposed.

I'm not into forcibly silencing those whom I deem as wrong. Only answering them. If I think you are doing harm by continually carping or berating our efforts overseas, I will tell you so. That is far different than my wanting to see you 'silenced'.

I'm consistent in my views.

And you debate yourself,

where am I inconsistent?

but I still read the responses. I find them amusing, a little scary, but amusing.

Glad you're amused. But that's not my intent. But it does fit into that whole 'arrogance' mindset of the modern day american liberal.

And you scare too easy. It's unfortunate that you find opposition to your worldview 'threatening'. Especially when you aren't willing or able (not sure which) to answer that opposition with reason or logic. Only Ad Hominem attacks.

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 02-05-2005, 16:42 Post: 105547

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

Take a pill dude, it's only a tractor forum.

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 02-05-2005, 18:07 Post: 105550

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

Take a pill dude, it's only a tractor forum.

And your point is?

Maybe you wandered in here accidentally and thought you were in one of the other forums geared towards tractors. I could swear the title of the forum was "pointless and hostile", and the title of the thread had to do with Iran. Or did I get all that wrong?

You're a piece of work, "dude"..... Smile

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 02-06-2005, 07:08 Post: 105580

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 Iran does have STUPID on it forhead

Merry Christmas!!

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