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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
As an American! I still support the right of anyone to make their own choice as to how they feel and I respect them and I/m glad we don't agree on all issues as I've made plenty of mistakes in my
74 years, and have seen guys die for my right to do so. I should have never read the post but I shall not say any more!
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
My Son laughed when I Told him about the guy wanting to drop the Big Bomb. He also said he would like for the Leader of Iran to get the Big Bomb in fact he would personally be glad to Drop it right on his front door.
I was woken up in the middle of the night and told to pack my bags once. About 6 hours later, I found myself standing at parade rest on the deck of an Aircraft Carrier with a boatload of other marines and all our helicopters. We were headed for Iran. I rememebr thinking the exact same thing about dropping some nukes on the place.
A couple hours later, we were ordered to stand down, and the mission was called off (Carters rescue mission didn't go so well).
Morale was pretty low in the US military at the time. It was even lower during the clinton years. It's good to see it is once again high. And that soldiers are eager to serve their president (another sign of a true leader).
I am so proud of what is happening as a result of the american soldier on this day, and I can hardly contain my excitement. I feel like I am going to burst!
To typify how thigs are different about this administration and this war, I was working on a job a couple weeks before our last presidiential election, and there was this young man who was a framer and was married to a friend of mines daughter.
I asked him how ald he was. He said he was 28. I said, well you won't have to worry about the draft if they start it up.
He looked me right in the eyes and said, "if they start up the draft, most all of my friends will go. Then I will go too. I couldn't stand to stay here in comfort while they are over there fighting for me". He added that he "thought George Bush was a good man (and he was a registered democrat), and would be happy to serve him if called upon."
I tell you, that almost brought me to tears. If this young man is at all in any way representative of americas youth today, we are in very good shape.
On another note, one of my nephews was in the room on the USS Mobile Bay, when they launched the cruise missle at Saddam just hours before the official start of the war. He watched it'c path on the screen right in the control room. I wonder how different things might have been, if Saddam had been home when they dropped 'that' bomb on his doorstep.
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
I still support the right of anyone to make their own choice as to how they feel and I respect them and I/m glad we don't agree on all issues
I do too. But I just wish they'd be fair in their criticisms, and think about the impact their words might have on those in harms way.
I really feel good about what is happening over there right now, and am really hopeful that we might finally be seeing the flickerings of light at the end of the tunnel (at least as far as Iraq goes). Who knows, we might actually be hearing of plans to start bringing soldiers home in a few months (fingers crossed).
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
I was not in favor of going to Iraq in the first place and I still think we shouldn't have gone. Not because I didn't think the people of Iraq were impoverished,dictated and abused or that Saddam was not a BAD BAD person, he is and they were. I didn't want America to get involved in another expensive war Mostly based on Religion (which I believe is fictitious)and our soldiers killed. Now that we are there for whatever reason WE the people of the United States Must stand behind our troops and see this thing through. If this war as most see it is successful then great for our troops, If it is not we need to learn to stay out of others business and spend our time and resources on our own. I don't think ONE American Soldiers life is worth however many Iraq's died under Saddam's regime. If we the American people (in the future) feel that a dictator is a problem to us then that dictator should be taken out, WE have the technology.
Oh, And by the way, De Twang you need counseling or something else to do with your time. You are a very irritating poster, if you can't reply in a few sentences or paragraphs, DON'T.
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
I too wasn't for the War in Iraq, and I don't we will make one change in their way of life. Thats all they know I don't think we should try to make people see our way of life! Like I said as an American I sure as hell don't want any middle eastern trying to force their way on us I didn't agree at all with our use of force but since we are there I will support our Troops. Its sorta like my police Action BS
Sorry I ever got involved, first time I've spoken out in over 50 years
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
I think that we have been postphoning this mid east problem for years and sooner or later something was going to break. Yes - 1500 Americans have been killed and that's a great tragedy. But we lost 50,000 men in VietNam in a war that we lost. In this case you can see something happening - a break in conventional wisdom that democracy would never work in the mideast. It does remains to be seen if this can take root and grow.
We forget that these bastards in the mid east came into our country and killed 3,000 people on 9/11. I don't care where we have to go to get them. If we make a few mistakes in the process so be it. If we are attacked again in the future on a larger scale - this incursion into Iraq will seem small by comparison. And it could be a democratic president in charge the next time.
I expect that if our forefathers were here to witness the 9/11 attack - and they had the technology we have - they might have taken over the entire Arabian penninsula. They took on Britain to save a few tax dollars - when tax rates were much lower than they are today.
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
In this global society, it is no longer each country for themselves. As a world superpower, we do have some responsibility to people of other nations. I am not opposed being there, I just wish we weren't digging our children such an enormous hole of debt that they will never be able to get out of. How long can you be a great and powerful nation if you have no financial security? I want my daughter to grow up in the land of the free and the brave as well.
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
Oh, And by the way, De Twang you need counseling or something else to do with your time. You are a very irritating poster, if you can't reply in a few sentences or paragraphs, DON'T.
And likewise I have found that yourself, grinder, and ducati are irritating posters, If you can't reply without Ad Hominem attacks or general sarcastic comments, DON'T.
Or did you just expect a yes sir kind of response?
I don't like war. I don't want there to be one. I don't want to see any bodies right to protest squelched. I just think there is a time and a place for everything.
The time to protest is before a war is started or after it is finished. To berate the process while americas sons and daughters are in harms way, is not only non productive, IMO it is dangerous.
While the fighting is going on, get behind them 100%, tell them they are doing the right thing, no matter what you really feel. Get the job done, and get as many home in one piece as possible. If the war is wrong, wait till they're all back home and then let the heads responsible for the mess roil.
I just don't see any value in pessimism, especially while we're waist deep in it. Sorry, if that rubs you all the wrong way, but that's how I see the world;.
And when I see these politicians berating the effort while we're waist deep in it, and especially when it appears that they are only interested in their own political agenda, it just gets me seriously pissed off.
And I am really saddened by the outright blatant bias of the media, (whose actual job it is to just report on things, letting us decide how to process it for ourselves) who feel it is actually their job to filter the news and reshape it in ways designed to generate the outcome they want based on their perceived superior view of policy.
As far as whether this war was tied to 9/11 or not, really doesn't matter, as it is now. They are all linked together throughout the world. It just happens that we are fighting them in Iraq. I believe if we weren't chasing them there, they'd be fighting us somewhere else, if not here.
As to WMDs, I'm still not convinced he didn't have any. He had months to ship them off. None the less, everyone believed he had them, democrats, republicans, europeans, UN, russians, everyone.
The same report that said he didn't have them also said he was 'far' more dangerous than we thought. The UN was within a couple of months of dropping the sanctions, all his infrastructure was in place to fire the progam up on a mass scale, and all of our 'allies' were selling him technology to make some really big toys.
Also, I am thankful in that events have exposed the truth about our so called 'allies' and also the UN.
But this is all water under the bridge. Too bad if you think I'm losing my grip, but I just happen to think this whole issue is really important. We're no longer an island. It's now a very small world. If these lunatics in the mideast want to do us or our friends harm, we can no longer look to the safety of an ocean between us, and just say it's none of our business.
Remember what happened to the treaty of Versailles? Germany ignored the sanctions it was given too. That time we procrastinated until it was too late. That one almost got wayyy out of control. Kinda the same pattern with Saddam, dont you think?
I just want these maniacs in the mideast to get their act together so we can go back to complaining about the border, taxes, and spending.
I normally don't get real involved in the threads in these forums, as I have a lot of respect for the knowledge base here regarding tractors, country living, and associated topics. For the most part, I just lurk and learn, but every now and then, I read these drive by personal attacks and they just hit a nerve. Kinda pisses me off that a few posters are willing to throw the first rock, then get upset when some rocks get thrown back.
Oops! Too many paragraphs.!
PS...this 'is' the pointless and hostile forum, right? I dunno, the title just kinda lent me to believe this was the proper place for letting it fly. But maybe not.
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
I just wish we weren't digging our children such an enormous hole of debt that they will never be able to get out of. How long can you be a great and powerful nation if you have no financial security? I want my daughter to grow up in the land of the free and the brave as well.
If it makes you feel better, we're actually at a smaller debt to GNP ratio that we were during the carter and reagan admins. We dug ourselves out of that one, and we will dig ourselves out of this one too.
I would like to see us cut a lot of the fluff and build up our military big time. I have a feeling we'll be needing it in the future.
One of the most baffling things the bush admin has done is to start this whole mars mission stuff. In the midst of all that is going on, that one makes no sense to me at all.
Hopefully it's a ruse for some kind of military space technology or something, because I don't see any value in going to mars right now, when we're so busy trying to keep the foxes out of the hen house.
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Iran does have STUPID on it forhead
Holy crap DeTwang, either my attention span is too short or your posts are too long. You seem to be knowledgable and certain of your beliefs but I cant follow your posts long enough to know if I agree or disagree. Anyway.
I fully support our troops being in the middle east. What I dont support is that theyre left over there with their hands tied behind their back. Our soldiers are not piece keepers, they are warriors, let them do their job.
This and every other conflict that we enter in that region is not about religion or saving those people, its about real estate. Its about U.S. interests and maintaining our way of life. I personally have no problem with that and am 100% in favor of wiping their governments off the map forever. That entire area should be a U.S. territory. Every few years we send kids over there to rearrange the political map and its always the same story. We do a half a$$ job of it, they continue fighting amongst themselves, the political power that happens to be loosing at the time makes us a deal so we help them to win, they stab us in the back and we do it all over again a few years later. Enough with those idiots. Level that whole region with bulldozers, build Walmarts and golf(gulf) resorts everywhere and enjoy our new found petroleum and let the rest of the world hate us but fear us. The whole world will eventually be operating under one governing body anyway, might as well be ours and sooner than later.
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