women AHHHHH
Oneace: My take on your comments is nothing like the above. But, opinions that cost nothing in the giving may hold little value, and mine is just another opinion.
More opinion, and just remember that it's cheap: You are the only person who knows what the problems are and what helps. Sounds to me like you are coming to grips with them and figuring out what works. You are the only person who can and there's nothing wrong with accepting some assistance doing it.
Each of us is a one-of-a-kind in that there's never been another person exactly the same. That does mean that nobody (absolutely nobody) is capable of judging another person. It also means that nobody else can be responsible for anther's life. We all bear that responsibility for ourselves and nobody else can or should try. Doesn't mean it's easy, and some us carry more baggage than others. Just hang in there and remember that you do contribute to the content of this board.
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women AHHHHH
I would not say that I am whining but maybe venting.
Here is some more "venting" I would like to take your face and shove it through a concrete wall. Hell you must be god damn perfect. I am soo sorry for taking up your valuable time. Send me a fu--ing bill you piece of $hi+.
Yeah I know those comments were not necessary and very belligerent, but it is just the "whiner" in me.
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women AHHHHH
That's good,now maybe your mad enough to take charge of your life and really help yourself!!
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women AHHHHH
Dude like I said before I have been taking care of my self since I was 15. You need you realize what is whining and what is venting.
This whole thread started as a way to seek advice about women. That area I am not too well knowledgeable on.
Now at 24 I make in excess of $45 thousand a year with nothing but a H.S. diploma. I must be doing some thing right in the life area.
I am independent and do not know how to compromise on letting some one else in to share in my life. That was the what I was trying to get out of this thread.
The thing with the meds is irrelevant at this point. I can take care of my self and have learned how to take care of my child, but with out a woman there to work around. That is my problem that is what I was seeking advice on.
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women AHHHHH
success is never measured by the amount in ones wallet...
Plenty of folks who cant think for themselves, or take care of themselves but have money...they are still poor and always will be...
I also would suggest getting an education and start making more money...
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women AHHHHH
If you could have stated this in this manner from the get go, this thread probably would have gone in a different direction, with much different replies to yout original question
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women AHHHHH
Onace, Here is how you started this thread!
Quote "Am I the only one that is going through this? Any suggestions? I am loosing what is left of my mind.
PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!" End Quote...
First: I am not a "dude"! And if I did the math right I am 40 years more experienced in life than you and there is a good reason that the young seek guidance from elders rather then the other way around!
Second: Your still refusing the Help that you "ASKED FOR"!!!!
Third: You said you can take care of yourself, well then why are you still looking for easy convenient answers, when there aren't any!!!
Take a few minutes and read all the wandering excuses you have given for your plight and inability to cope with life's problems! After you have done that and you are still not seeing the real problem in your life, just how in hell are you going to take care of your four year old daughter cope with her growing problems?
Get off the pity wagon and become a good example of a parent! YOU OWE NOTHING LESS TO HER!!!!!!
Dean not "Dude"
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women AHHHHH
This thread went from heart felt & serious to a humorous pissing contest. Dean - I am 10 years older then Oneace, My father is the same exact age as you & you remind me of him (same attitude). And I believe he raised me well with lots of disipline, However, Oneace is in a different generation & may not understand or except the concept you are using. Lets all have peace!
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women AHHHHH
You are indeed a wise 34 year old Man and Your father is to be commended! Which is my point exactly if you get it, why can't he (Oneace)! To your credit I know you do not sit idly by and wait for the fix-it gods to cure your every problem!
Once again I am honored that I remind you of your Dad!
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women AHHHHH
Well at least you all had fathers to give you guidance.
As for the statement that I can take care of my self means in the life making decisions. Not romance/ relationship status. As i am used to fending only for 2 I now have 3.
My statement about the money I make was to state that I am capable of success. I Know quite a few collage grads that do not have such good luck.
I know I have problems. And I DO NOT try to make excuses for them, I am stating the cause of them.
Every body know your up bringing has a lot to do with the way you turn out as an adult. My father was an you know what (left when I was 9) I tried to do the best I could but I Guess it was not good enough.
Archdean the attitude you have I would not be surprised if your kids hate you too.
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