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 09-06-2004, 21:12 Post: 95733

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 women AHHHHH

To paulss and My young friend Oneace(Tony)and an open letter to all who have posted on this thread attempting to help a fellow member when he originally Boldly asked for help!!

1. This thread has not taken a decidedly negative turn, it has in fact had the exact impact, experience has taught me that it would have!

2. If I have a gee-whiz, dandy life it is only through hard work, survived three years of active combat and all it entails (read a full military career and had to move lock-stock& barrel 21 times in the course of that career (incidentally while raising a family and keeping a marriage together), applying my god given talents and never ever looked to others to solve the problems it was in my purview as a man to solve for myself!

3.Tony is doing well financially but just how long will it be till his uncontrolled outbursts cause him to lose that job and that security?

3.A reaction from this young man other than whining and blaming all things other than himself is and was exactly what was needed and is precisely what I gave him!!

4.You and other well minded posters are unquestionably better equipped to counsel Tony than I am and I will leave it up to all of you to carry on. I got his attention and you will do him a great disservice if he himself and well minded people allow him to revert to the way he was just a few days ago!!

5. The big difference in what I do and act is "I don't just hope someone can do something I know damn well they can do it and it is incumbent on me to make them! Let's be honest if I can cope with the cards life dealt me as well as many others (I won't bore you) then surely this young man can handle this self imposed pity party!

6.Thank you Tony for the apology it shows me you are being rational! You have a lot of good people that care about you and YOU OWE THEM for they have shown you not only compassion but friendship as well and YOU better not let them down!!

This will be my last post to this thread and I too wish all of you the very best!

Doing will! Hoping won't!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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 09-07-2004, 16:57 Post: 95821

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It is not that I can not afford therapy, it is that right now work is demanding many long hours and I do not have the time at this point. I am currently looking for a phyc. that will suit my needs. Like every thing else I like to shop around and get local referrals. For me church is not really an option I lost my faith a few years ago seeing too many good people hurt or killed for no apparent reason. I do believe in a higher power though at this point i do not know what that higher power may be. There are thousands of religions out there and the basis of them all is a higher power which ever it may be so maybe I am safe in my belief maybe I will burn but who is to say.

Anyway thank you all for your comments and advice I know I will make it through this time in life just as i have in the past. Some times the stress just gets too high and I do not know where to turn.

It is easier to talk to you guys probably because you are all faceless nameless strangers in the most part.

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 09-22-2004, 09:21 Post: 97041

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 women AHHHHH

The hardest thing in the world to do is keep your woman in line. I don't think they make a tractor with enough horse power for that.

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 09-27-2004, 17:23 Post: 97293

Join Date: Feb 2004
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 women AHHHHH

I feel like kicking mine in the a-- at least once a day. Lazy is not the word for her & attitude ...

Whtat's with women anyway? They get coddled to beat the ban then if it goes wrong it's the man's fault!


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