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Mississippi - state of mind
WW: I'm not up on my Civil War but the terms Rebel and Yankee, aren't they associated with fighting the Britians for independence? Maybe Damn Yankee is a reference to the slavery part of the CW? In the north the Civil War is taught from a perspective that here are the facts (whatever the "facts" are depends on which side the Mason-Dixon line you're on I suppose).
You mention not liking Hitler and his gang. Incidentally, my great uncle fought against his uncle in WWII. You may have heard of him Albert Von Kesslering. Family folklore says my great uncle took a lot flack from his fellow soldiers when his name was read aloud. Just like the CW, brother against brother, uncle against nephew.
To answer your question about "counting to a hundred"...that was waht boggled my mind: this guy was very wealthy as were the other jerks who gave me a piece of their mind (or what was left ) 150 years ago these same guys could have been the slave holders we talk about!
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Mississippi - state of mind
Here's another thing I noticed about the culture here: It seems there is a lot of engrained discrimination not against blacks, but white against white.
MS people on the Gulf resent New Orleans "Coon Asses" buying property here.
New Orleans people don't call themselves rednecks (Yankees lovingly call anyone south of Toledo rednecks). They call themselves Southerners.
White New Orleans people associate themselves more with their Boston, Mass. cousins than anywhere else in the country just by the way they speak.
White N.O. people don't like to let on to MS people where they're from---not that that they can hide it when they speak, mind you.
I heard a 19 y.o. MS girl in a Subway restaurant making fun of the way her New Orleans boyfriend talked, like he was retarded. I told her she sounded different to me too. She said, "why not? MS people are known for being the dumbest and poorest people around" I was shocked that she not only was talking about herself but that's how she was taught.
What I have to laugh at is people are people no matter their background, where they are from, or how they live. The only thing that makes them different (good or bad) is the the name they themselves give themselves that divides them.
Just like blacks, if you want to be like a white american and have all the same choices as white americans--don't call yourself and African-American---now yu just gave yourself a name and divided yourself against the majority. Then you put up a wall that says I'm different than you, and tough--you're gonna like it. Or so says this FrancoBelgianGermanAmerican-IndianEnglish-American.
But I'm jis' sayin'.
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Mississippi - state of mind
No! during the civil War the men who wore Blue were Yankees or Northerners, the Southerners were Confederates or Rebels.
During the Revolution we Colonists, Minutemen, Militia or just pissed off farmers.
You made some excellent points.
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Mississippi - state of mind
Denis: Yes it goes on and in smaller communities than up north and by both colors of skin.
WW: My data was from the US census of 1860. Major numbers are from the census directly. The percentage of families with slaves comes from the individual town records. If you go thought the individual census records you have the owner and the number and names of the slaves owned. I did not do this directly but got numbers from someone that did.
Winston County in AL and one other seceded from the Confederate. They county had few slave owners and did not what to have anything to do with the war or succession. I am not sure what other counties in the Confederacy did so, but I assume that the decision was discussed openly as it was in Winston county. Winston County has a play based on history and plays it every summer on a weekly basis. You might say they are proud of the fact they did not want the war and why. You might also say that this was publicized at least in AL. No I know that many knew what was going on. Yes there were those that were just caught up with the fervor, just as many were in the Nazi cause. When you are indoctrinated from youth it is difficult to shed the blinders. We met one in South America that had 3 tanks shot out from beneath him on the Western front. When he found out what Hitler was doing to the Jews etc. he left the country and never returned. He said it was like scales falling from his eyes. I have met another from the western front since. Some never saw the light and still believe in Arian superiority.
“I know you will argue with me about the symbol of a Flag, so does that mean you support Flag Desecreation? It doesn't matter what your views are, the Flag is sacred to those who have and are serving her. The Flag to me is Mountains, Streams, green grass and home, Applle Pie, Baseball, Hot dogs and freedom. To others, it is something else. I serve the flag and my views are second rate to those who have not served it. How funny. they feel they are entitled under free Speech to shit on it, piss on it or whaever. your views please, you seem to hold no sacredness in a flag.”
De 4:23 – 25 Be careful not to forget the covenant of the LORD your God that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the LORD your God has forbidden. For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. After you have had children and grandchildren and have lived in the land a long time-- if you then become corrupt and make any kind of idol, doing evil in the eyes of the LORD your God and provoking him to anger.
As a Christian why would I care if someone takes his own possession and destroys it? What do I care if it represents America neither the flag nor the country is an idol to me. I am not allowed to make idols of anything. Nothing is important, nothing is sacred in this world but Christ and him crucified. I think it is a nice symbol and don’t even like to hang mine on the flag pole to get ravaged by the wind, sun and rain, but sorry in the next life it will not be important, nor should it be to any Christian in this.
Think about what you are saying. “I know you will argue with me about the symbol of an idol, so does that mean you support idol Desecreation? It doesn't matter what your views are, the idol is sacred to those who have and are serving her. The idol to me is Mountains, Streams, green grass and home, Applle Pie, Baseball, Hot dogs and freedom. To others, it is something else. I serve the idol and my views are second rate to those who have not served it. How funny. they feel they are entitled under free Speech to shit on it, piss on it or whatever. your views please, you seem to hold no sacredness in an idol.
An indentured servant is not the same as a slave. You were not born into slavery. Your children were not born to be traded. Your family was not ripped apart for financial benefit of the people. The man did not have total control of your reproduction and family. Slavery was outlawed by the church and was non existent in Europe, prior to trade with Africa.
I do not know where you got the idea that the blacks were sold into slavery. Maybe at first, but when the majority were moved they were basically kidnapped. A village was attacked but armed slave traders and the health taken into slavery. The forts along the coast which look like castles were designed like large prisons. They held the slaves in chains until the ships came to load them for the voyage. My facts could be wrong, but I have talked with my friends from Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Ghana.
I was talking with a friend of mine who is a black MS general contractor. He made the statement that I was a slave. I said what do you mean, slavery ended in 1864-5. He said when he was a child his father was a share cropper. The whole family had to work to bring in the cotton. One year all the kids were sick with the flu and running fevers. The man came and told his father he had to get the kids out and pick cotton. His father argued but had no choice, all the kids got out in the field, although some passed their lunch. This was in the late sixties. I don't know anyone in his family that is lazy.
The old share cropper’s houses are still standing in some areas and so are the mansions. A share cropper’s house was not much different than a slave’s and neither was the work or the demands.
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Mississippi - state of mind
EW: Prejudism takes on all forms in this country. Anytime you say we are the best, some else must be second best.
In N England we rented, lived and worked in 4 little towns. All of these towns would have been in the same school district where I grew up. People in each small town would talk bad about the other town. If you were from one of the other towns they had nothing to do with you. If you were from some other area, forget it. In KY I found the same thing although they were spread a little wider and were alot more accepting of someone from another area.
In AL and MS there is a lot of rivalry between schools but less bad mouthing towns of the other towns. Racism is bad in MS and in parts of AL. Being from the north or anywhere else is not good. Why are you here has been a question all over the US.
In B.C. where I grew up people were from all over. I new people from AL, OR and MS in my church. I never remember any conflict. Like when I return people what to know what AL is like.
As a Christian this is a problem in the US as we are told to Heb 13:2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. This was so important in the first church that Roman governors fed them to the lions, because they were unnaturally friendly to strangers and foriegners.
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Mississippi - state of mind
Peters: I'm a christian myself.
However, invoking scripture is out of place here. This borders on preaching and this isn't the place for it. And I for one don't want to hear it. Period. This isn't a soap box. I not only feel uncomfortable about hearing it, I get very suspicious of motives. Besides, invoking God and His word doesn't lend credence to your or anyone's else's argument; rather, it weakens it to the point that the argument is nothing more than quotes. And it shows a complete lack of reasoning, thought and logic. Anyone can spew old, written down thoughts and words, and this isn't what this venue is for. So let's keep it lite, accurate, and above all... fun.
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Mississippi - state of mind
Peters: You said, "Being from the north or anywhere else is not good. Why are you here has been a question all over the US."
Is this directed at me? If so, what exactly do you mean by that? If not, what do you mean by it anyway?
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Mississippi - state of mind
KT: "Funny how such a smart person was so dumb to get right in the middle of really stupid people."
I'm at a loss as to what these means. Are you referring to me?
NOPE. I was referring to those DY who thinks all others are (they think this of anyone who does not agree with them regardless of where they are, North, South, East or West) so stupid that they must save them.
EW, on another reply you had you mentioned what the locals there said about the reason they don't like or trust the DY's. If you lived there for a little while it will not be long before you hear the DY's line of "that is not how we did it up North". They will tell you the economy or taxes or what ever is terrible where they moved from but do their best to change here to the way they did it. You will never hear them say we did so and so and this worked and this DID NOT. All was perfect where they decided to escape from.
Please know, there are many from the North and elsewhere who have moved here and really taken it to heart to be their home and have made great contributions. Again it is attitude. Of my friends I count a couple from NJ, NY (not the city), Ohio and about all Northern States. It is totally attitude.
In the best of us there are areas that could be improved upon. That my friends is why Jesus Christ died for me and you. Red, Yellow, Black, White or Brown.
God Bless
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Mississippi - state of mind
The question why are you here, could be for more than one reason.
For the most part Southerners are move to a little slower pace and want to know who they are dealing with. They only deal with a person from anywhere only when they have time to get "comfortable" with them. I deal with a lot of people from many states in my business and a question I ask a lot is why did you move here? It really can be very interesting. Moved for work, have family here, or what ever. It helps build relationships. I have no doubt my family that moved North (good Southerners gone bad ) were asked the same questions. Just when you are asking you don't remember it the same as when you are being asked.
There are many reason for attitudes, one is we think others think on us or discuss us more than they really do. Try this with your best friends, take a group and be talking and let another one walk up and the conversation goes quite. That person is sure the others were plotting against them. Human nature.
The fear of the unknown. All sales people run into this. So does the parent of a small child as they try to get the child to eat a new food. Nope, don't like it. But you have not tasted it. Nope, don't like it.
The fear of change. I believe it was earhtwrks a while back said something along the line of preferrring "the devil I know." This is true. We are creatures of habit and any change must be at my comfort pace or I buck against it.
God Bless
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Mississippi - state of mind
"My data was from the US census of 1860. Major numbers are from the census directly. The percentage of families with slaves comes from the individual town records. If you go thought the individual census records you have the owner and the number and names of the slaves owned. I did not do this directly but got numbers from someone that did."
Your friend went through the Individual census records and added them all up????? That is alot of twons to do. I printed the 1860 census and the number of slaves and how many owned them. Here it is again 'Of the total southern white population of 8,099,760 in 1860, only 384,000 owned slaves. Of these, 10,780 owned fifty or more. It was calculated that about 88 per cent of America's slave-owners owned twenty slaves or less."
My Lord! My God has forbidden me to look at my Country's flag as Sacred? Peters, you are taking the Bible a wee bit too far. I am not worshipping the Flag, I look at the flag as I do a Headstone in a cementary. The Flag has no Net worth as would a Painting or a Piece of gold, it's total networth is how it is precieved by the person looking at it. I value the flag not because I have led a charge and watched men fall before me trying to keep it flying, but because I have read of so many others who have. I know what Francis Scott Key felt when he looked over the Fort through sulpher filled air and with the noises of battle. I know what the Marines feel when they lay a flag over the coffin of a fellow Marine. My mom had a Military Funeral and I still have her flag. You are telling me God views all this as wrong? come on, be serious.
Allow me to correct you, there were Slaves in Europe long before there was a New land. You should do some reading about your hero Christopher Columbus, he cut the front of the feet off of the Indians so they could not run away. He brought back many to serve as slaves. He murdered countless thousands. You should also find out what ever happened to Poconatas. Italy used conquered people to serve them, Gladiators were slaves selected to fight and they could earn their freedom if they were lucky. Sorry Peters, slaves have been everywhere for many centuries. Those Slave traders you speak of bought their slaves from Black Africans. Blacks raided and captured the Blacks who would be sold.
You seem to waste a lot of THIS life with the Promise that you are going to have more in the after ife. What is a Good Christian suppose to do, just run around preaching about the NEXT life and wasting the current one? What happens when you die and find out that the NEXT life is just one of many more, will you waste the next one as well preaching about the next one to come. I think God wants you to enjoy what has been given to you and use what has been given to you and be good and not evil. Looking at a Flag as sacred is NOT evil.
It sounds like to me you have been looking for that Dream Land. People have flaws, it was built into them by your God. Kids have certain areas of the playground etc. I have lived in the N.E. for a good share of my life and I never was hated in another town, nor was I ever asked what town I was from when I went shopping etc. If I struke up a conversation the question may have come up, but I never got less service or whatever. Heaven is going to have these same people there. hey! what Ice Cream do you prefer? What Team do you like better? come on, everyone is predjudice, some openly admit it and others do not.
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