America The Greatest Country on Earth
This is the greatest county on earth. We have our problems but, it only takes one trip to a third would county to make a person realize just how lucky we are to live in America.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
I'll 2nd the above!
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
Here! Here!!! We've got some work to do though to make sure it stays that way...there are many in this country who are being hoodwinked into believing we are the scourge of the earth.....
We have soooo much here it's ridiculous....no people in history have 'ever' enjoyed the health, beauty, freedom, relative peace, and abundance that God has blessed us with.....
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
I guess it depends how you rate things. I have lived and worked in 5 in the top 20, 3 in the top ten. From what I know I can not argue with the rating below.
If you term luckiest, yes we are the luckiest nation on earth. We have been given the most resources of any nation on earth.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
USA.... #10? I don't think so!
But then this is the same UN that put Iran in charge of sanctioning itself and took billions in graft from Saddam Hussein.
Still haven't seen any heads roll on that one.
What do you wanna bet that if the USA banned/confiscated all firearms that we wouldn't move to the top of the UN's "livability" list?
Any Takers?
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
What a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will keep this country and my guns.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
Luxembourg at # 6?! Four spots over the US??! That's not even a country! I could probably spit over the whole "country" of Luxemburg standing in France and spitting into Germany. Or the other way around. I don't know which one of them I want to spit at more.
duke, you're right - what a joke.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
Actually, the rankings do make some valid points. It's a quality of life index that looks at all residents. Most of the countries that beat the US have better social welfare programs than the US. Hence, the quality of life for low-income, disabled or unemployed citizens is better than in the US. They also lack the slums the US has in major metro areas.
Of course, they also lack some of the seriously crowded metro areas we do. On the other hand, they are much more taxed than we are to pay for it all.
Ireland's economy is smoking right now. They've done a wondeful job of turning it into a business center. Beautiful country too. Canada has free health care for everyone including the poorest of the poor. They also have all that land and much less people that us. Also a much higher tax rate. SO the rich have a bit less, but the poor have a lot more. Better overall average quality of life.
Yes we in the US do have it good. But not as good as it was during Reagan's era or in the 60's. I'm writing this as I sit here waiting for the HR guy to come around and tell me my employment fate. Do I have a job with the company that bought us? Do I not? Do they want me in a transitional role and then I'm unemployed? The US isn't as good as it used to be. We are slipping boys. The rankings are pretty accurate.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
All the countries rate better than the U.S. because they send their criminals, bums and unskilled people to hear where they March in our streets, demand their rights and demand that they be recognized as U.S. citizens.
If anything maybe we should give all of them illegal bums the survey to show them that they are in the WRONG country.
Think it will work?
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
US is # 1 because you can be a bum here if you want to; you have a God given right to be a bum. You can be a billionaire if you educate yourself and have business skills. You can do whatever you damn please. Most of the countries on that list are socialist outfits where you're always gonna be avarage.
And by the way, the only reason they exist is because us dumb ol' Americans have been stupid enough to spend more on their defense than they spend on their entire domestic programs.
Though our liberties are slipping away, I'll take my freedoms ahead of free healthcare or right-to-work or whatever socialist crutches those countries are famous for. I say, we're # 1.
P.S. I know none of you here are saying we're inferior to thouse countries but I had to have my rant anyway 
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