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America The Greatest Country on Earth
jdcman quote:
"what does truly make this country grand is the diversity of people that live here and not the lack there of."
If I hear ONE MORE THING about the so called DIVERSITY, I'm gonna puke..
jdcman, are you one of those folks with a rainbow bumber sticker on your car?
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
I don’t know for sure, but I suspect that you remained in service for as long as you did because:
a) You were just stupid and liked getting your teeth kicked in
b) You really didn’t have enough skills to do anything else.
I gotta say..this is probably the most offensive thing I've seen on this board or any other on the net I frequent in recent memory...If it was coming from someone in a country hostile to the US, I might could comprehend it...but not this one...
So those who have fought and died...are their familes who are recieving their benefit paycheck, lazy bastard money grubbin freeloaders too? Wasn't giving up their husband/father/son/brother enough to qualify them as worhty for a tax funded paycheck?
Or are they somehow different than those who have only lost limbs, or fought and somehow came back with all their pieces? Or those who went in, and agreed to go to their death if called, but never were....just so you can sit here and shit on their graves, their families, their sacrifice?
Where does it stop...are all government employees (retired or otherwise) freeloaders too? Policemen? Firefighters? Teachers? Liberal Professors (might have a point there)? Rescue workers? The Coast Guard that rescues your ungrateful ass when your boat motor conks out and you're drifting out to sea? Intelligence officers? How about the guys who repair the roads that allow you to drive to your property? Without them, you'd have to carry your damn groceries on your back through the snow to your unheated lean-to...How about the weather service who tells you 5 feet of snow is coming, so better get your ass ready? Are all these peple freeloaders? Or is it only after they're older and used up, and expecting the country they took care of, to take care of them in return? I guess, after a public servant is no longer able to produce, it's the back alley for them now, right?....or maybe just shoot their useless ass, eh?
How would your life be without any of these people? Would you have anyone to protect you from the next despot? How about the bipolar meth addicted neighbor?
What a terrible, ungrateful attitude you have expressed! Unbelieveable! And I have no idea how to understand it's source....We have so much here, and owe thanks to many who have sacrificed everything so we can have it....those who have been willing to stand in the gap deserve a tax funded paycheck, if anyone does..much moreso than the clintons, and bushes, and carters, and nixons, and kennedys, and kerrys, and boxers, etc... of this world...
Like I ask women or men who badmouth their spouses..."Why would you tear down your own house?"
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
I will take my civil Service retirement check after 34 years in the Dod and I dont care what anyone thinks. I earned it, and it is mine.
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