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America The Greatest Country on Earth
I wasn't trying to be hateful to anyone, that is why I said if the shoe fits. I did not know Peters circumstances. The rest was my opinion.
Bill Cosby once did a skit on Predjudice and when was finished, there was NO LEFT standing, for everyone is Predjudice, it is just some will admit it while others deny it.
I also gave an example where I as an American was treated like crap in Canada and they same mood that Peters was mentions about the narcissistic Americans, I felt the same way in Canada.
Birds of a feather, flock together and they have no clue how they are treating the ones who are different, it comes to natuarlly.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
WW - My loyalty is to God and my citizenship is in the Kingdom of God. What internal importance is my citizenship here on earth? What credit will it be to you or I when we stand in front of Christ in judgment that we were Americans? I think we need to focus on what we are to do and care about, not the incidentals.
Can you tell me how we, as Christians are instructed to treat foreigners in our country? How did you show your God given spirit of humility to the Canadians? If we are the most Christian nation, we should be the humblest nation on earth, not lovers of ourselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive etc.
JDCman – I am not certain as to when the last days will begin. I am not like Chicken Little, running in circles and looking for cover. There is far too much to be done before that time. I am concerned with the attributes given these people in the passage and what we are instructed to do, stay away from them. Certainly we can see Western society having many of these traits, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God-- having a form of godliness but denying its power.
Horse farmer – You could carry a hunting rifle or shot gun. You could not carry a pistol.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
WW, without stirring it up too much here, I have a little food for thought for you.....
Remember how you told me about one bad Dodge truck didn't mean they were all junk, wasn't that the yardstick you just used for Canada, one indignant Quebecer (who probably had a chip on their shoulder the size of Maine) means all Canadians are like that? Common now.
When you talk about 'token efforts' after Katrina, balance that out with us being roughly 10% the population of the US tooo, and that to us it was "foriegn aid" not "domestic relief", or that during the great ice storm of 1998 when we sent countless electric crews to the US to help with cleaning up the damage despite our own mess up here.
Likewise, ask anybody in the southern states, or along the I-95 or I-75 corridor, there is a long line of Canadian electric-utility trucks heading for the clean-up after each hurricane.
Or how about the Alaskan Highway, the DEW line and NORAD, how responsive do you think a country like Mexico would have been to projects like those?
Like it or not, Canada and the US are tied at the hip, their economies are interdependant, their tourism is, their manufacturing and even natural resources, water, electricity, oil & gas, are all 'southbound' commodities.
You could certainly have a worse neighbour.....
Best of luck.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
A man without a country is JUST like a man without Faith, he just roams and belongs NOWHERE.
God is the creator, but while you are here you are to be a person that doesn't just SERVE God but serves mankind as well. If God wants us to only serve him, then would I not be a slave? I do not think that is God's intent. God wants us to serve him by following his example, not by casting away all that is here.
Loyalty is only good if you have something to be Loyal to. Honor, Pride, Courage, Patriotism, Faith, Morals are all God created qualities that can make a person a decent person and without them a person is merely just that, a person.
To have a country and to show Loyalty to one's country is not a Blind Faith but will bring the good out in a person. It will feed determination, Honor, Pride, Courage, Morals and YES! even Faith. A man without a country has no real reason to live except for manmade reasons.
You can serve God and still be an Outstanding Canadian or American, it is those who lack one or the other that have questionable characters. Freedom has never been granted to any man by GOD, it has been earned each and every time. All the Commandments only exsist if Man chooses to allow them to exsist and there are times the sword needs to be taken from its scabbard in order for the Bible to survive. I do not for single second beleive that God wants me to just kneel down and allow another man to take my life from me, a life that was given to me by my Creator but only I can protect. I can Pray from now to Hell freezes over, but it will be My actions or actions of others who are lookingout for me that wil allow me to survive. God will not mingle. He is there for my judgement day and I will face him alone as will everyone. That is the time he will either allow me to enter or give me the swift boot.
Man was given two things above the animal kingdom, 1. the ability to have reason. 2. the ability to have logic. Both of which I use to survive. It is good to beleive in God, it is BLIND FAITH to think God is going to take care of you. That my friend, is a job that God gave to you to do.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
Please reread my post, I referred to Quebec and I have had many such experiences, mostly in the Montreal area. I did say that Ontario is Night and Day different from Quebec, but I am still a tourtist there and usually treated as such. The hospitality is outstanding in Ottawa area but I am still a tourist and that is what I was trying to establish. That Peters may be jumping the gun a tad on how Americans are eager to claim they are such. I have known many a Canadian with the same attitude.
Yes! Canada has been helpful to us, my reference is to all countries, when I said we have helped just about every single country, I was looking at the comparision of who helped US when we needed it. Where were all of the other countries. I was NOT just picking on Canada. I used Canada as reference because I live close by and been ther emany many times.
I then said Birds of a feather flock together and I met that to another American there was no boasting but maybe to a Canadian who thinks a wee different, has different Ideas etc, yeah they may think that about us.
How many here have driven 18 wheelers? who are the craziest, rude, speed demon, drivers ever to hit the black top? yup! the Canadians, 90 mph in a blinding snowstorm, when the Speed limit is 70 Candians think that is Kilometers.
Lake Champlain is a nightmare when the Canadians have Holiday. Do I hate them? My grandfather's name, (my fishing idol) was Donet Bousquet, so you tell me......
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
Not to mention my Idols were not Espisito or ORR, but Grant Fuhr, Patrick Roy, Penny, Messier, Lemieux and sever others. my favorite teams. Oilers, Old Flames when they were Calgary and the Cannucks.
I hate the Canadians the same way I hate the friggin Navy. a Squid is the LOWEST form of Marine Life. My two front teeth were taken by a chair controled by an Seaman at Ft DeRussey just a few miles up from Pearl. Then again I would die for a Navy Corpsman, bravest assholes this world has ever known.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
Who the heck is Chicken Little? Not being funny, just not up on the cartoon characters. I gather he’s some kind of prophet?
And you’ve really lost me with the following:
“I am concerned with the attributes given these people and what we are instructed to do. Certainly we can see Western society having many of these traits.”
What are you talking about?
Maybe you guys ain't all talking to the same God ----
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
No! the same God. The Bible was written over a period of 1600 years and by over 60 authors. Thru the Dark Ages much was translated to fit the needs of the Kings. Even the Old Testament is not a 100% accurate translation. Man was hopingthe Dead Sea Scrolls would answer many of the unanswered questions. Not yet.
God is the heart of man.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
WW, I think we're on the same page here then, sorry, I did get a different 'read' on it the second go through.
I think there's room for improvement BOTH sides of the border, no doubt about it!!
If you ever want to feel less "like a tourist" head to Newfoundland or most of the (rural) parts of the Maritimes. Real good people out there, they treat you like family and mean it!
BTW, , I got a (re)broken nose from a squid at Quantico, and then broke a knuckle thanking him for it! Luckily for me a couple of SP's saw him take the first swing.
I got the same feelings for a Navy Rescue Swimmer who jumped from a helo to pick me up after I had to bail.
Best of luck.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
"who are the craziest, rude, speed demon, drivers ever to hit the black top? yup! the Canadians, 90 mph in a blinding snowstorm, when the Speed limit is 70 Candians think that is Kilometers."
It could be that they're just really skilled.
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