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America The Greatest Country on Earth
And by the way, the only reason they exist is because us dumb ol' Americans have been stupid enough to spend more on their defense than they spend on their entire domestic programs.
I was going to say lets see how much free crap these countries offer when they have to defend 'themselves'......Not to mention, the unemployment rate in many of these countries is much higher than our....and I've hear it can takes anywhere form 6 months to 2 years in canada just to get an MRI....yeah hillary....national healthcare....sure..good idear!
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
Actually many other countries have as much or more natural resources. The problem is their corrupt governments. Which I fear is where we are headed, especially with this outrageous amnesty plan. But at this point in time, yes we have a great country. I tell my kids often, kings of just a few hundred years ago did not live like the vast majority of us live in this country. God bless the U.S.A.!
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
Ok, I've sat back and read this for nearly 3 weeks now, and despite nudges from several, I again (a la the "imigrants" thread) stayed silent to watch what happened, and was said.
As some of you know, I have a foot on each side of the border. I was born and (mostly) raised in Canada, as was 8 generations before me, however I have strong ties to the US. My father served, as did I, in the USMC, both as pilots, and I have a lot of family in the US.
Yes, America is a great country, is it the best? Well, that depends on who you ask. No different than asking "Which is the prettiest girl?, or Which is the best brand of pickup or tractor?" As the old saying goes, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and even then it depends on badly he wants to be holdin' her....".
Would I go to war to defend the US, yes, I did, in Grenada, Operation Sudden Fury, was it the right thing to do? Don't know, I followed orders, period. Would I go to war for Canada, you bet your bippy I would, if the need arose!
News flash, NOTHING is free!! Not health care, not food, not shelter, not life itself, certainly not freedom itself!!
Are there waits for health care here, sure, sometimes, but if you need it it's there for you. Stories of people 'having' to go to the US for health care is just that, stories. Sure some people go, the ones who know better than their doctors do, and elect to pay out of pocket because they're too important to wait while a more serious commoner goes first. I had an MRI done, there was a 3 day wait, why it was a 3 day wait?, because they had to wait for my condiditon to stabilize first.
Canada, along with several others in the world, offer a great opportunity to those willing to take advantage of it, unfortunately, too many people want just that, to take advantage of it.
My final word, the BEST country, the one that affords YOU, it's protection, it's liberties, it's opportunities to raise your family in safety and security, and a happy & prosperous life, as one nation under God.
Quit bitching and do something to better this world.
Semper Fi.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
I guess it does not hurt to look at things from both sides. Even if it is a border. It is a good subject.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
Okay Peters,
I’ll bite what are you poking at?
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
After years living in the States, I finally figured out what really aggravates me. To place in context, as I have stated in the past my family was here in NA before there was such a thing as the US and despite being Canadian born am third or forth cousin to a couple of presidents, that I know of. Maybe this just means any a-- hole can become president. I moved to the states after I finished my education and worked on protective military wear, gas masks etc. for a number of years. Naturally I spent a lot of time with the military developers.
What I have figured out is that as a Canadian, living with Americans is like living with a narcissistic cousin, every two minutes they are telling you how great they are. Everything in the world relates to them selves or has no value. I guess I have never heard a statement like the one that started this post from a Canadian, despite high standings in UN or other evaluations. Like Murf said evaluating a country is like taking measure of a man. Each man is different and has good and bad points.
Why does narcissistic behaviour bother me? “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God-- having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.” II Tim 3
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
just a question:
can I own/carry a handgun in Canada?
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
First if the shoe fits, otherwise no disrespect intended.
I have never witnessed what you refer to, maybe it is only near the border and with Americans who are ticked that the Canadians aree coming down and taking some of the Good Jobs. Maybe it wasn't a boast as much as it was a complaint aimed at you. I have a Canadian who is in charge and he has a Green card. His kids are dual citizens and that does piss me off. Hey! make a choice and then live with it. To sit with dual citizenship or to stay with Green Cards indefinitely, if your loyalty is with Canada, go back to Canada. Otherwise make an effort to become a U.S. Citizen. It makes me believe that he is waiting to see who is going to offer him a prize or something. He serves neither country and he is able to take from either. I bust his chops every chance I get. I see no loyalty either way from him and I wonder how a man can live without a country. So maybe the workers you worked with Peters, saw that. Maybe not. If you are Loyal to Canada and you come here. I have no problem, if you are Canadian and you come here and show Loyalty to the U.S. I still have no problem, but if you are Canadian and you come here and show Loyalty to neither, get your sorry ass out of my country and go leech somehweres else.
I was up near St Henri and the exchanged at the time was 50% and I tried to buy something and they insisted there was No exchange and if I wanted it, I would pay FULL price. I told them that was illegal and stealing and they smiled at me and said. Not here it isn't.
I have had many experiences such as that in Canada and don't go there becuse of it. The Quebec side has more their share of flaming a--holes. Ontario is a Night and Day different. I am still treated as a tourist and after all, I am. So if you come to the U.S. and you are keeping your Canadian Citizenship, then you are nothing more than a TOURIST as well. Hell! around these parts we don't like Flatlanders regardless which state they come from, down South they hate Yankees and in the Souther MidWest it is Wetbacks and in the Mid and northern midwest it is Redskins and in some places it is everybody not from there.
Yeah! I am American and Damn Proud of it and MY country the good Ole U.S. of A. has been there to help just about every other country there is. Seems the help we got after Katrina or 9-11 was token at best.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
I understand what you're saying, but if you judged Americans by how tourists are treated in New York City, you could form some misconceptions about America, too. I, for one, am pretty happy to have a civilized English speaking country to our north instead of another Mexico.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
Wing, me thinks you got a personal problem with one guy. You certainly don't speak for all Americans.
Interesting. I can remember religious folks back in the seventies predicting the end and complaining about the same stuff.
Your worries may or may not be justified. How would you know without a metric or threshold?
The trigger point maybe orders of magnitude away from where we are today.
I agree there’s a lot to be concerned about it. Not sure I agree with where I’d focus my energies.
Btw, what is the ultimate goal of a “lover of God”? Curious, different people give different opinions.
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