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 05-26-2006, 09:27 Post: 129882

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth


Your small points were understood. Now allow me to pass on a few small points. We were THERE long before we were there. As a pilot I am sure you have heard of the HUMP? As a Pilot I am sure they talked to you about the American Volunteers who went to England and flew for the RAF because England was on her knees and out of pilots. As a Historian it was Americans who were sending War Materials via the Altantic and on to GB. The U.S. was there in Spirit and in manpower and in material long before the decalration of war ever pass over the lips of Roosevelt. Roosevelt didn't want war but as we were in Cambodia and Laos long before we were in Cambodia and Laos, we were there. The Americans came in fresh and with fresh materials, and as they did in WWI they lifted the spirits.
It wasn't about outspending it was about determination and what the Russians said about Americans pretty well sums it up and I will have to paraphrase "What makes the Americans so tough of an advisary is there War Doctrines, what makes them so hard to beat is that they don't follow their War Doctrine."
It doesn't have to be the U.S. it could be anyone who has the means. You piss someone off bad enough and if they have the means, they will defeat you. England was out of manpower, most were sitting in German POW camps. Their chocie of bombing during daylight hours had the Americans baffled, for we choose to bomb at night. So when we did join up with them, it was a round the clock bombing of Germany and then Germany being on the defense no longer could muster any more agressive acts against England, they rsorted to Technology and the V-1 and tze V-2.
I do not beleive Afghanistan was an invasion nor no I beleive that Iraq was a misbegotten aggression. Last night on A&E I watched the Lives of the Men from Lima Company. Iraq is a new and different type of wart and needs to be fought differently. We are adapting. It is hard to find an enemy when they shed their uniforms, fly no flag and hide in womens' gurkas. They are desperate and they will soon subdue, I rather fight the war there than wait for it to come here and here it surly would come. I strongly believe that a decent offense is worth far more the best defense. Saddam is out of power and Iraq will have to learn to think like a Nation and not like tribes. This will take time, but if the adjustments aren't made, the world will never ever be at Peace. Horse go to this website http://www.defendamerica.mil/iraq/rebuilding.html and see what we have accomplished. Remember the media only reports on burning houses, there is so much that our men and women are accompkishing and not getting any recognition for it hurts. I am determine to ensure that we see this through and I have no doubt that 20 years from now, it will be a Great World in the Middle East. Woman are back in schools in Afghanistan, they are teaching and learning, they are back in decent jobs, and they are able to walk down the street without fear. We offered them a hand and we offered them a chance, it is up to them to do with those chances as they may. Go to the site and see what the lives have really been given up for. Freedom is not Free and never has been and God doesn't grant any man Freedom, Man has to gain his freedom before he gain his Faith. Iraq is a war that has devided this nation, but I strongly support it and the cause. 17 U.N. Resoulutions totally ignored, Weapon Inspectors kicked out after they had been led around like a Bull with a nose ring, Invasion of another country, SCUDs fired into Kuwait, Suadia, and Isreal, People massacred because they believed differently or just because Saddam and his sons enjoyed torture and killing. Saddam had a room full of his men once and he read the names off of about 50 of them and falsley accused them of treason. Suddenly one man stood up and shouted We love Saddam, saddam looked at the remaining men and said " Ah! so you love me, tomoorw to show your love for me, you will be the firing squad and kill the others" Qusay if you didn't do well in sports, he tortured you or killed you. One neat little fun thing they liked to do was tie your hands behind your back, walk you to the top of a building and push you off. These astrocities have stooped, why? because the U.S. and U.K. stood firmly against these acts and strongly we will continue to stand. It is a just war. There are 24 million good reasons in Iraq alone.

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 05-26-2006, 09:42 Post: 129884

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth

WW, I do know about that aspect of it, in fact one of my great-uncles was one of those pilots, that was what I was talking about with "...happily selling armaments and food to Europe...".

The term "volunteer" only applies to the way in which the men got there, they were not conscripts, they volunteered to go, but don't kid yourself, under the "Lend/Lease" program the US got PAID, and quite handsomely I might add, for every man, plane or truck that went over there.

As for the US doctrine of war, I think it was best summed up by John F. Kennedy on January 20, 1961;

"Let every nation know...
whether it wishes us well or ill...
that we shall pay any price,
bear any burden,
meet any hardship,
support any friend,
oppose any foe,
to assure the survival and the success of LIBERTY".

Countries like Iraq & Afganistan WILL see liberty or a lot of good people will have died for nothing, and a lot more WILL die for even less reason!!!

Best of luck.

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 05-26-2006, 09:43 Post: 129885

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth

The Bible, more to the point the Holy Bible, is a collection of God's word given to a few men to record for the vast population.

No man has ever been able to prove there is a single mistake in it. History has many that went to prove it to be a lie or fable only to become convinced it is true and thus the Word of God.

The Bible is very clear that all do not believe it and addresses that. It is also very clear The Jews are God's choosen people. But that does not mean he allows them to do what ever they choose.

If you love your child you train them. That does mean you train them to obey.

The thought that just because I don't believe it is a sin it is not is about as stupid a thought as I have ever heard. Let's carry that to what I think is the extreme: Hilter thought by killing millions of Jews and some others he was doing what was right. So for Hilter, it was not a sin? Or a crime?

Take a minute and think. No human is 100% right 100% of the time. I am not trying to offend anyone and trust you realize that. I am not mad nor angry. Just, come guys, use the brain that our creator gave you. Oh, so you have a brain that is evolving from a single cell and has not cuaght up. Got it. Hey just joking on that last part.


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 05-26-2006, 09:43 Post: 129886

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth

Wing, your positive outlook is definitely a good thing. Gloom and doom pessimism, which is what I'm best at, is not the most constructive thing. I just, for the life of me, don't see what Americans have to do with Iraq. Their problems are their business - that's just my take on it.

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 05-26-2006, 10:05 Post: 129891

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth

HF, let me try to explain it this way.

If you see a crime being committed, someone being robbed for instance, but it is not against you, YOU are not being robbed, do you ignore it, or try to stop it?

I would hope you would help that person, and am pretty sure you would.

So, a whole country is seized by a ruthless dictator who has no respect for the life, liberty or security of anyone but himself, do you ignore that too? Do you let him amass a vast fortune from oil sales, etc., with which to fund terrorism and possibly to attack you & your family?

I'm pretty sure your answer will still be to help out.

Best of luck.

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 05-26-2006, 10:24 Post: 129897

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Don't now remember the full details but the group of climbers that went by and left another climber to die on I think Mt. Everest recently. How can a HUMAN do such?

Yet for years we have heard the cry of man is no different than a dog or a monkey. Guess it is working.

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 05-26-2006, 10:28 Post: 129898

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth


I have only two words for your last two posts.

Semper Fidelis

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 05-26-2006, 10:52 Post: 129904

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth


Hitler thinking he was right is not what I was referring to, I was referring to a collective group such as the Mayans, Incas or the Aztecs and their human sacrifices.
Did God, thru an Angel not ask Adam to slay his son to show his love for God and his willingness to give up everything for that love? Do you really think that an all Loving God would even consider a Sacrifice of any kind as a symbol of love?
You are right that Bible has not been proven to be false nor has it been proven to be the EXACT words of Christ or God.
I could live near you all of my life and I could write a book about you and I would only be able to write what I saw, I could easily allow myself to put in my own opinions.
Don't get me wrong, I do not challenge the exsistance of God, for I feel he is very real. Life is way to complex to be here by chance. I do beleive that man with limited volcabularies weren't often able to quote others perfectly. Man has faults and if you told a story to someone who could NOT write and they retold the story to someone who could, much would be lost.
Native Americans believe in Mother Earth and the Great Spirit, are they going to Hell because they took a False God before them?
Man needs religion, he has to have it for exsistance. He needs to feel calm that his loved ones go to a better place. That he has purpose. I think alot of religion is strictly for feel good reasons. God loves us and he surly created us, but our actions belong only to us. Others feel that need to stuff the body, or let it sit and decay. Many cultures have different beliefs in the after life, are they evil for their beliefs? NO! Hitler was a bit to far out to use it as a comparision to what I was meaning.
I live only a few miles from where Joseph Smith claimed to have seen and spoke to the Angel that created the Mormon religion. I have hunted that area and I have never seen any Angels. I am not trying to be rude, for I have had things happen to me, that without question was from the other side. How much is exaggerated for personnel gain and how much is true is what I am asking.
I stil feel man can carry his Faith with him and does NOT need to go into a Fancy Church, decorated in Marble and Gold to worship his or her God.
Catholics are sure not without sin, the very ones who teach us are the ones not listening to their own words, did that not happen to Jesus as well? Were the religous ones of the time not preaching to every one, the Messiah is coming, the Messiah is coming and then when he stood before them, they condemed him and had him crucified. I think Faith and Religion are two seperate things. Faith I carry with me and I pray silently to God, Religion is the gathering of the masses. Evangelists make a fortune off of man's weakness and his desire to become spiritually stronger.

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 05-26-2006, 10:56 Post: 129907

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth


Let me reply this way, imagine you see someone getting beat up on the street. You come up to help out and the victim tells you "Get the hell away, this fight is none of your business". That's what we have - we're not wanted in Iraq -these people have been brutalized for thousands of years and do not posess the virtues of gratitude and loyalty. You and wingwiper are judging the situation from your own North American cultural experience and that's where the problem is.

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 05-26-2006, 11:53 Post: 129913

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regardless, you still have to TRY.

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