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 05-25-2006, 16:15 Post: 129847

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth

Laughing out loud, two things we're REALLY good at, driving in snow, and putting that last block of snow in the roof of the igloo!!

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 05-25-2006, 16:53 Post: 129849

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth

Horse Farmer

"I, for one, am pretty happy to have a civilized English speaking country to our north instead of another Mexico."

One of the smartest post out of the whole lot. Canada has been there in the major wars with the US.


If I have to go into battle, I want it to be with the American that is proud, hostile, abusive, with a ego as big as his country. That is how wars are won not by the humble. If anyone does not agree, the military has given you the right to feel that way. I do not dislike Yankees, for being Yankees. I am very selective in my dislikes.

In the army they taught us to duck out of the way of flying chairs. My god you were snuck up on by a squid. Laughing out loud

again thanks for flying and keeping I-95 free. All of the nuts on the interstate do not have Canadian plates. It might be a tip for your friends, and scenic for us southerns if they would stop some where around North Carolina and wash the salt, snow and grime of the Car.

Nothing but love

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 05-25-2006, 18:06 Post: 129853

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth

JD – I am referencing the passage concerning the attitudes of the people and the fact we are told to avoid them. Unfortunately it is a little difficult as “we have spotted the enemy and we are they”.
WW- Don’t be surprised if He just reaches for the ejection handle on judgment day. You should be concerned with what God thinks and wants, not what you think or think He thinks. Deutronomy 6 Lays out pretty clearly what you need to do to be of the right mind. I don’t recall anything about a country in the 10 commandments or the 3 directives given by Jesus. Christ only said “Give unto Cesar that which is Cesar’s and God that which is God”.

“A man without a country has no real reason to live except for manmade reasons.” I country is a man made institution if I am following God and not man, should not my morals be God based, rather than based on the fickle power of man? Which country on earth is not corrupted by man’s sin, greed and ambition? God’s word and power is absolute, the US could be wiped away in a minute. Yellowstone could erupt again for example.

God did not require the sword to spread the Gospel. Which one of the apostles was known to be a warrior? The Gospel is being spread into China not through the power of the sword today. Maybe you need to read second Timothy 3 again.

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 05-25-2006, 22:44 Post: 129861

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth


Sounds like you're going down man.


What's your ultimate goal?

If you're both serving the same God, as an outsider there seems to be a conflict in interpretation, or one of you is telling a "fib".

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 05-26-2006, 07:07 Post: 129867

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth

If it weren't for people like Wingwiper, we wouldn't have a nation. It it weren't for people like Peters, we wouldn't be a Christian nation. A dialog of this kind is constructive and meaningful; I wish our national political discussions followed along the same lines. Instead, the fighting is all about special interests, how to divide our hard-earned tax money, how to please this or that loud-mouth. I honestly believe that if a meteor was to strike Washington and wipe out the three branches of government, this country would do just fine, maybe better.

On another point: there's something about a country were you have a legal right to carry a handgun and have a piece of mind that comes with that (now, I wouldn't know about it living in NJ - no 2nd amendment rights for me). I think Liberties is the biggest asset that comes with being an American. Never take them for granted, never feel subservient to the authority of government.

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 05-26-2006, 07:28 Post: 129868

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth

So why then Peters did Jesus look at the Isrealites and say they were the chosen people. That refers to a people and not to an indiviual and it refers to a country of people.
God allowed the Red Sea to spread open so they could make good their escape and then closed the sea upon their enemies. If that isn't serving with a sword, then I do not know what is. Evil is NOT to be ignored but to be destroyed.
The Bible can say whatever you want the Bibe to say, I will use your example you said 'Everything in the world relates to them selves or has no value." and isn't that EXACTLY what YOU are doing or saying? You live for the Bible and only the bible and you also said "My loyalty is to God and my citizenship is in the Kingdom of God. What internal importance is my citizenship here on earth? What credit will it be to you or I when we stand in front of Christ in judgment that we were Americans? I think we need to focus on what we are to do and care about, not the incidentals." You are a SLAVE to your beliefs and you say that there is NO LOYALTY to your fellow man and only to God. You are preaching to me exactly what you dislike about Americans.
I am a very proud American and unlike the Crusaders who buthered and raped in the name of God, or unlike the U.K. who even to this day has a problem between the Protestants and the Catholics and have bombed each other and killed each other in the name of a different faith.
The Quaran runs countries and treats women likea pieces of garbage. When a man grows tired of his wife, he may pour gasoline on her and touch her off. IT is NOT illegal in Arab states, the very same areas where Jesus came and Preached. So Peters tell me, whose Faith is the True and Honest Faith?
Is it wrong for people to worship a Cow? Not to the people who worship the cow it isn't. So do you pass judgement on others? I think you do and I think we all do. God is the Heart of man and it is what gives you your drive to continue, but Man is made of more than just a Heart and God also gave man Wisdom and the ability to use it.
I carry God with me, wherever I go but I do not let it control me to the point I am naive. If you hit me, I will most certainly hit you back and I will not turn the cheek and walk away.
I do not feel for a minute that Loyalty to ones country is wrong or even sinful. I said it some time back, if you believe you have not committed a sin, then you have not. Mormons were able to have multiple wives and they felt it was OK and acceptable and a Catholic did not believe in Devorce. Peters religion is man made and as I said the Bible was written over a period of 1600 years and by over 60 authors, so how can you prove what God really said unless you have some first hand writtings? Everything in any religion is based on interputation. Unless they had Tape recorders and you are able to hear Jesus's very own words you are responding to translations and hear say, God is in your heart and you only need to listen to your heart. People in Iraq live and die by the Quaran and that is an interputation and yet people die for it. How can you or anyone for that matter say it is words of god when there is no proof that God or Jesus ever said any of it?
I am not trying to insult you Peters, I admire your dedication and your Faith and there is nothing wrong with Faith unless it is misued. I never understood what a Religous War was, it sounds like a Jumbo Shrimp, or Semi Truck.
When Moses recieved the Ten Commandments, and it said Thou shall not kill, how does anyone know Moses really talked to God or Moses was on his own Mission like Joseph Smith?
I beleive the Iraq War is a war with good intentions and 24 million people have a right to live and chose as they want, they should NOT have to live in fear and religous suppression. Does your faith say that Americans are wrong by freeing the people of Iraq from the tyranny of Saddam, Qusay and Quday? Those three men were the worst WMDs next to Hitler. They may have been responsible for up to 10 million deaths over 30 years. Does you faith say to turn the cheek and walk away when someone is asking for help, when that help might involve killing evil people?

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 05-26-2006, 07:42 Post: 129869

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth


From Cobbleskil NY down 88 to Binghamton and then down 81 to Ravin Pa has to be some of the worst road in te Winter that this country can offer. I would be doing 20 mph and visibility was about 6 feet in front of my hood and them Cannucks would sail past me at 70.
Duck? have you ever tried to duck a chair at full throttle? You need t do alot of ducking.
My favorite quote comes from General Patton "Wars are not won by you dying for your country, they are won by making the other bastards die for theirs" The U.S. is a peaceful conutry and has always stepped in to lend a hand. I am Proud of that. Where would the world be today if te U.S. did not get involved in WWI or WWII, after all the U.K. was out of planes and skilled pilots and the channel was growing smaller each day. Where would France be if we decided not to have a Normandy or Italy if we never marched in to Sicily? I am not saying that the U.S. did it all by herself, but like Teddy at San Juan Hill, sometimes it takes someone to grab the Flag and lead the way. Others will get motivated and follow. I find it amazing how much motivation can come from looking at that Flag (yours or mine) in battle. at our Firebase we had one on a crooked ole pole and yet now and again we all looked at it and got our motivation and determination, all from a simple piece of cloth that did nothing more than represent something different to everyone who looked at it. Some saw long Island or the Green Mountains or Rockies, others saw the desert of Arizonia or whatever. Just simply amazes me. Peters the Bible is a lot like the Flag. keep your faith, you are a better person becasue of it, I am a better person because of my beliefs.

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 05-26-2006, 08:03 Post: 129870

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth

WW quote:
"I beleive the Iraq War is a war with good intentions "
Have you ever heard a phrase: the road to hell is paved with good intentions? Intentions do not excuse actions. No war is just, except a war in defense of your homeland. Invasion of Afganistan was a defensive war, invasion of Iraq was a misbegotten aggression. Our marines and soldiers are being butchered by roadside bombs and for what!? Every war will lead to innocent deaths and they are only justified when those deaths prevent a far greater number of innocent deaths, otherwise war is murder. I never understood why we abandoned our search for Bin Laden -this should remain our #1 foreign policy objective. The fact that he's still at large is a reflection on the ineptitude of this government. I have another word for describing Bush's current "doctrine" of pre-emption: aggressive/obsessive paranoia. We all like to quote Teddy Roosevelt here, so here's another quote: "Speak softly and carry a big stick". We sure are carrying a big stick, but we lost the art of speaking softly. Unless we're willing to annihilate the entire muslim world, we're gonna have to learn to share the planet with them and one thing that will help that along is if we learn to distinguish between real and imagined threats.

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 05-26-2006, 08:07 Post: 129871

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having said that, I have no intent to share my neighborhood with any of them; I still want every single one of them rag-praying musulmans outta this country.

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 05-26-2006, 08:58 Post: 129875

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 America The Greatest Country on Earth

WW, a couple of small points here.

The US didn't enter WWI until well into the thrid year of the conflict, and mostly then because the Italians (who also had just recently joined the fight) were getting bruised some....

Most scholars agree that WWII really started with the Germans annexing Austria in March of 1938, however the fighting didn't really start until they invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. The US, while symapthetic, and happily selling armaments and food to Europe, didn't enter the war until Japan attacked the US at Pearl Harbour in December 1941, better than 2 full years after the fighting began.

The bottom line? Most scholars agree, the main reason the Americans were victorious in almost every war they've fought was not so much because of their fighting ability, but the same reason the Soviet Union is a memory now, they were able to out-spend, and out-produce their enemies.

SG8NUC, I stop in NC all the time, I was at MCAS Cherry Point NC, beautiful area!!

Best of luck.

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