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America The Greatest Country on Earth
I heard the term "Free Health Care" Twice in this thread.
Would the Canadian Folks here please chime in? Set the record straight on how "free" health care is. Unless things have changed in 20 years, free really wasnt free when your paying 15% sales tax, I believe employers had certain things they needed to meet. Murf, how does that work?
BTW, In the states, we also have a different tax rate for higher earners. The wife and I entered the higher bracket one year, Man I dont ever want to do that again.
I entered it by a measely 2K and it cost me roughly 7-8k (a total guess, I never actually sat down and figured it out to the dollar).
Ill Take America along with freedom of which hospital and which doctor I want to see over any country (Unless I had Murf as a father-in-law) Then I could turn into a true Canadian! 
Could I use the boat this weekend? PA!
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
The media has reported stories about the long waits for the "free" health care in Canada.
Apparently, even people with potentially life threatening illnesses have to wait several months for surgery. Many give up and come south to the USA and pay for the surgery they need.
One of problems with such government mandated health plans enters the picture when they try to make highly trained doctors work for blue collar wages. The good ones simply "vote with their feet" to quote Ronald Reagan.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
My point in arguing against the US was to point out what the rankings were based on. In that context, we are #10. Would I give up what I have? No thanks. For those who work hard, we do have it good.
But if you are poor or live in a very rural and poor area, you do have it bad. You can see it in the infant survival rates. The US is not good in infant survival rates and it's due to the lack of health care for the poor and the very rural poor. It is what it is. We have it very good, but to counter it, some have it pretty bad.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
I recently had a Canadian next door neighbor who opted to go back to Canada (couple of years ago). He was not happy with his rate of promotion here - also that health care not free - and also that college costs for his young son would be astronomical here. He said it might take a while to have a sickness tended to in Canada - but it was free, also that college education was free. I offer no point of view here - just fact. I suppose he thought the money he would make here would more than offset the costs, but in the end he figured life would be better in Canada.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
So would a flat rate paid person work as hard as a person who earns more from merit and reputation of their performance? I think I will take a U.S. doctor any day.
College? well you get what you pay for and if people are standing in line to attend your school and you raise the costs and they still stand in line and you have a reputation for placing students in high paying jobs, I rather pay for the education. Anyone can sit in a classroom for four years and get a degree not everyone gets an education.
Free Enterprise has it merits and its downfalls, but Socialism has never appealed to me at all.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
Wingwiper, I have no disagreement. But I don't think there are perfect systems. In the final analysis there are wealthy and poor people in socialistic systems and democratic systems. Maybe things are just a matter of degree. When you pay 33% of your income in the US in taxes I might call that socialism. Do we all get the services we should for the taxes we pay? Probably not since money gets siphoned off every time there is a transaction. But then again - since we are not a socialist society - I guess we should expect no services and treat these taxes as theft.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
I was being sarcastic and not aiming at you, trying tomake apoint.
33.3% in taxes to live here andhave the roads to travel on, Schools, choices in te millions, Fire depts, Police depts, Libraries, Programs to help when you are down on your Luck, Veterans Homes, some of the best hospitals and research centers in the World, Space Program where much of the World's Technology comes from, a State and a Federal Military that will not only repair your roads during floods and be there to help during Hurricanes and other diasters but also stands ready to protect and to serve us, Mass Transit, and on and on. We have what most countries wouldn't even know how to dream about. I'll pay the 33.3% gladly.
I'll take the Good Ole U.S. of A over Canada or any other country in the world. We are envied by many and they will try and tell you how bad we have it, before you judge go to a third world country see the sick, the unemployed, the poverty the lack of Spirit in the eyes.
God Bless the U.S.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
ncrunch and wingwiper..........let me clue you in............... we don't pay 33.3% in taxes............ it is more along the lines of 50% to 75% depending upon individual circumstances. 33.3% is an outrage and the reality of the real numbers is criminal and immoral! Our country may be the best out there but in context with what our constitution mandates and what actually occurs and in comparison to other countries; it nothing to be thumping our collective and preverbian chests about. Since FDR, out nation has deteriorated and slid into what has now become a liberal socialist republic. It is no longer the constitutional democratic representative republic the found fathers created.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
Chief, I agree that these taxes are so high that we are no different from a socialist country. The danger we run is that we soon may not be the best country that is out there with this corruption and siphoning off of the productive worker's earnings.
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America The Greatest Country on Earth
What we pay in taxes today, thanks to Reagan and Bush is far less than what I use to pay. At least on the federal Level.
Up until about 1982 there was a tax increase on your pay for every $50 earned. You could actaully get a Payraise and take home LESS money, I did a couple of times. President Regan forced a Bill thru that SIMPLIFIED the tax system. Now there are only Three brackets and they are much further spaced. I pay a Helluva lot less in Federal Taxes than I did before.
As far as State and Local Taxes, well as long as we demand for more and more programs and for the Government to become an Insurance Agency, we will be paying more in Taxes. I watched last night where there are 11 million Millionaire households in the U.S. now. Grant it, if you consider the buying power of today versus that of 1983, a Million isn't really that much any more. But stay with me here. After the Reagan Simplified Tax Bill and Min wages were $3.35 per hour, now compare that today and one site claims that the minimum wage has 33% less buying power than in early 80s.
A quick sample of this is simple. Houses in your area sold for how much in 1982? Automobiles? food? clothing etc? What was your monthly pay? your total basic bills? the percentage. If you take the time to do some calculations, the million dollars of todays is about equal to about $400,000 of 24 years ago.
Now my point, take the Tax liability of the million dollar earnings today and it is far less than 24 years ago, based on buying power and that is the real index.
That is what is nice about debt... your debt actually decreases in value and as your earnings adjust, the debt ratio drops. Banks use Interest to offset this and term to ensure profitbility.
You and I have control over the Tax rates for State and Local Govt. Now calculate those 14 million illegals, leeching into OUR Education system, Health Care and Housing etc. Unless you are profiting from hiring Illegals, it is costing you and I money, for the companies who hire they save in wages and libilities and that offsets the cost taken out of their taxes. Our taxes could be alot less if we didn't have to pay for deadheads leeching on our system.
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